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Название: Правові процедури як засоби гарантування свободи
Другие названия: Правовые процедуры как средства гарантирования свободы
Legal procedures as a means of guaranteeing freedom
Авторы: Члевик, Олена Володимирівна
Ключевые слова: свобода
правові процедури
належне виконання правових процедур
відповідальність за невиконання правових процедур
правовые процедуры
надлежащее исполнение правовых процедур
ответственность за невыполнение правовых процедур
legal procedures
proper execution of legal procedures
responsibility for the failure of legal procedures
Дата публикации: 2015
Издательство: Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого
Библиографическое описание: Члевик О. В. Правові процедури як засоби гарантування свободи / О. В. Члевик // Проблеми законності : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2015. – Вип. 129. – С. 68-75.
Аннотация: У статті визначено поняття правових процедур, порядок їх встановлення та значення для реалізації свободи. Досліджено наслідки, до яких призводить відсутність таких процедур. Проаналізовано наслідки встановлення надмірної кількості правових процедур.
В статье дано понятие правовых процедур, порядок их установления и значение для реализации свободы. Исследованы последствия, к которым приводит отсутствие таких процедур. Также проанализированы последствия установления чрезмерного количества правовых процедур.
Описание: Problem setting. Problem setting there is in analyzing law procedures that ensure our freedom. The article investigates the concept of due process, the order of its establishment. The article analyzes the different views of scientists about the legal procedures. The author expressed his own views on the legal procedure. According to this view under the legal procedure to be understood individually or regulations established procedure for the consistent implementation of the authorized legal entities concerted legal action aimed at achieving their common legal result. Recent research and publications analysis. Recent research and publications there are by Evseev O. P., Baryshpolska T. U., Vitruk N. V. and each others. Paper objective. Proper execution of legal procedures is the responsibility for every person who is a member of society and the state. But this can not be the proper execution if these legal procedures have not been established for the corresponding relations. What to do in this case? Law enforcement goes two ways: 1) the relationship is developing in a direction that is beneficial to a particular subject of the relationship, does not contribute to the protection and realization of freedom; 2) there is no legal basis on which the relationship can occur, which also negatively affects the feasibility of freedom. Paper main body. There are proved that legal procedures are essential for the realization of freedom, but also draw attention to the consequences that may result from ignoring these procedures. Those legal procedures were performed properly; they must be installed by performing legal actions, namely the adoption of the relevant legal acts, which are built together in a logical hierarchy. Only under such conditions it is possible compliance with these procedures, which will not cause conflicts and contradictions. Disdain for the basic principles of law leads to many negative consequences. The authors analyzed the problem of bureaucracy, huge amount of legal procedures leads to it. Bureaucracy has acutely relevant and painful problem for the whole society, it absorbs freedom in all its forms, prevents the further expansion and deepening of democracy and reform the economy and management. One important reason is the lack of bureaucratic processes, professional and moral level officials of administrative structures. During heavy social upheavals and socio-economic transformation bureaucracy is expanding its sphere of influence, as evidenced by the present of our country. Researcher analyzed issues related to the definition of the consequences of the absence of proper procedures in the management of certain public social relations. Conclusions. Author came to the conclusion that the legal procedures play a decisive role in the mechanism to guarantee the freedom, because only in circumstances where the state establishes a necessary and sufficient number of such procedures, each individual has the opportunity to realize their freedom.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9184
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