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Title: Вопросы криминалистической профилактики преступлений
Authors: Шевчук, В.М.
Keywords: криминалистическая профилактика преступлений
криминалистическая профилактика
криміналістична профілактика
криміналістична профілактика злочинів
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Москва : Академия Управления МВД РФ
Citation: Шевчук В. М. Вопросы криминалистической профилактики преступлений / В. М. Шевчук // Роль и значение деятельности Р. С. Белкина в становлении современной криминалистики : материалы междунар. научн.-практ. конф. (к 80-летию со дня рождения Р. С. Белкина). – Москва, 2002. – С. 179–186.
Abstract: The article concerns actual problems of crimes preventive measures of criminalistics, working out, and investigation of which has the most perspective tendencies of the investigative perfection methods in special criminal types. The author analyzes the present standpoints concerning the place of criminalistic crime preventive measures in the criminalistic system, its contents, aims and other problems that are discussed now and require deep comprehension. It is suggested to examine criminalistic crimes preventive measures by two aspects: firstly, as a specific subject’s activity authorized by the law and secondly, as one of the scientific directions of the criminalistics. The author also determines both a subject of the crimes prevention measures and the main tendencies of this particular criminalistic theory. The criminalistic crime preventive measures in author’s opinion concern special, final and necessary structural investigative methods of special criminal types that stipulate the actuality and necessity of the investigation and working out in present problems.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри криміналістики

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