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Showing results 280 to 299 of 19356 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The image of a judge in Ukraine: preconditions and essenceBorodina, I.V.
2018Immunoprophylaxis in Healthcare: Human Rights ContextPashkov, Vitaliy M.
2014The Impact of Civil Society on the Formation of Constitutionalism in UkrainePetrukhno, Y.E.
2024The Impact of EU Criminal Law Policy on the Prevention of Transnational Environmental CrimeOderiy, O.; Orobets, K.; Brynzanska, O.; Veklych, V.; Shpiliarevyc, V.
2016The impact of the legal regime of intellectual property protection in the pharmaceutical marketPashkov, Vitaliy M.; Golovanova, Iryna A.; Olefir, Andrii A.
2017Impact of the source text features upon translation strategiesLypko, I.P.
2024Implementation of NATO standards in training cadets of higher educational institutionsІгнатьєва, А.І.; Скрипей, А.Е.
2014The implementation of Strasbourg’s judgments in UkraineChubenko, A.
2024Implementation of the Right to Privacy in the Context of the Restrictive Impact of Modern Information TechnologiesDanilyan, O.G.; Dzоban, О.P.; Lasnibat, F.
2016Importance of Developing Good Academic Writing Skills for Post-graduatesLysytska, O.P.
2014Importance of motivation in learning foreign languagesRomantsova, Y.V.
2018Importance of the Caspian Countries for the European UnionIbrayeva, Aigerim; Sannikov, Dmitriy V.; Kadyrov, Marsel A.; Zapevalov, Vladimir N.; Hasanov, Elnur L.; Zuev, Vladimir N.
2019Improvement of economic efficiency of the enterprise based on automation of management of motivation of personnelShyfrina, N.I.; Ukrainska, L.O.; Marchenko, O.S.; Cherkashyna, T.S.
2021Improvement of land relations in the context of sustainable development of rural areas in UkraineSharapova, S.; Lisova, T.; Bredikhina, V.; Lialiuk, O.
2024Improvement of the control system by the level of training of personnel in fire trainingHashenko, S.V.
2020Improvement of the system of administration drugs control in UkraineIgnatieva, A.I.; Zverev, S.M.
2013Improving language learning and teaching through assessmentМіщенко, В.Я.
2020Improving the physical qualities of volleyball players using aerobics at the stage of specialized basic trainingMoshenska, Tetiana; Petrov, Dmitriy
2019Improving the special physical training of gymnasts in sports aerobics at the initial training stageArtemieva, Galyna; Bodrenkova, Inna; Moshenska, Tetiana
2016Incorporating Technology Into Education: Methods Techniques and StrategiesМясоєдова, С.В.