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Showing results 145 to 164 of 19333 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Dear participans of conference!Bytyak, Yu.P.
2018Decentralization of the powers of local councils in the sphere of land relationsIgnatenko, Iryna
2016Decisions of European Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court of Ukraine: Problem of CompetitionKomarov, Vyacheslav
2022Deductive conclusions in legal argumentationNevelska-Hordieieva, O.; Harmash, L.; Voitenko, D.
2015Defective legal facts in family law: concept and typesYavor, O.A.
2016Defence and Security Public Procurement: Analysis of Managerial and Legal IssuesShapoval, R.V.; Tvaronaviciene, A.; Survila, A.; Peleckiene, V.
2014The department of rare editions and manuscriptsBudetska, O.O.
2015Derogation from right to life resulting from lawful acts of warMaksymiv, M.
2023Determination of the basic requirements for the management system of military formations of the National Guard of Ukraine during the performance of combat tasks, taking into account the influence of modern means of armed struggleTkachenko, M.; Kravchenko, S.; Vlasov, K.
2018Developed marketing and management as a condition for integration of Ukrainian businessKaminska, T.M.
2020Developing and Applying Robotic Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Systems (Using Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles)Baranov, Pavel P.; Mamychev, Aleksey Yu.; Mordovtsev, Andrey Yu.; Danilyan, O.G.; Dzeban, A.P.
2015Developing communication skills in multilingual Europe: the case of BritainChastnyk, O.S.
2013Developing professionally oriented communicative competence of future translators/interpreters in International LawLipko, I.P.
2017Development of Human Resources of Agro-Industrial ComplexNedelkin, Alexey A.; Novikov, Sergey V.; Titov, Valery A.; Sannikov, Dmytro V.; Mikhailova, Anna V.; Popova, Lyudmila N.
2015The Development of Intercultural Communication SkillsMelnikova, Т.V.
2016The development of social Europe in the 20th - 21st century: problems and prospectsYakovyuk, I.V.
2022Development of the organic production in Ukraine: problems and perspectivesFedchyshyn, D.; Ignatenko, I.; Danilik, D.; Chyryk, A.
2021Dialectics of the right to judicial protectionMoskvych, L.M.
2014Differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge: regularities of development of Ukrainian criminal law scienceKharytonova, O.V.
2016"Digital era governance" як складова соціально-правового комунікаційного комплексу регіонуБистрова, Ю.В.