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Назва: Радикалізм як форма деформації правосвідомості
Інші назви: Радикализм как форма деформации правосознания
Radicalism as a form of strain of justice
Автори: Черкас, М.Є.
Ключові слова: правосвідомість
деформація правової свідомості
деформация правосознания
правовой радикализм
формы деформации правосознания
distorted legal minds
shape deformation of justice
Дата публікації: 2014
Бібліографічний опис: Черкас М. Є. Радикалізм як форма деформації правосвідомості / М. Є. Черкас // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2014. – Вип. 27. – С. 117–127.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Проаналізовано основні причини виникнення деформації правосвідомості, її ознаки, форми прояву. Автором визначено ознаки та зміст поняття «правовий радикалізм» та надані пропозиції щодо його подолання.
Статья посвящена анализу основных причин возникновения деформации правосознания, ее признаков и форм проявления. Актуальность тематики исследования определяется последними политическими и социально-правовыми событиями на юге и востоке нашего государства. Именно поэтому считаем, что ученым-правоведам крайне необходимо сосредоточить все свое внимание на факторах, обусловивших теоретическую возможность такого рода событий. И прежде всего, следует изменить вектор исследований отдельных, малоизученных видов деформации правосознания граждан, в частности правового радикализма, с целью изучения причин его возникновения, основных признаков, форм проявления и путей преодоления. К сожалению, сегодня мало работ посвящено проблемам анализа сущности категории «правовой радикализм», его признакам и путям преодоления.
Опис: This article analyzes the main causes of deformation of justice, its signs and manifestations. Relevance of the chosen research topics driven by recent political, social and legal developments in the south and east of our country. Therefore, we believe that legal scholars is essential to focus all their attention on the factors that led to the mere theoretical possibility of this type of incident. And, above all, is to change vector analysis of individual studies, little-known species of deformation of justice citizens, including legal radicalism in order to study its causes, key features, manifestations and ways to overcome them. Unfortunately, quite a few papers devoted to the problems of analyzing the essence category of «legal radicalism», its signs and remedies. Legal awareness Ukrainian society today, more than ever, is highly dynamic, however, absorbing and value consciousness and disadvantages of previous eras. However, it should be emphasized that any transformation processes are not always improvements. Is no exception and transformation of justice: it can deform under the influence of quite a few different factors of socio-economic, political, legal and more. The author emphasized that the immediate cause of the deformation of legal consciousness is a state of the main elements of the mechanism of regulation. In addition to strengthening deformation phenomena in the social sense of justice of Ukraine contribute to conflict in different areas of legislation and the legal system as a whole. Also, a significant reason for the existence of deformations of justice in Ukrainian society is gradually getting used to people, especially young people, to the crime. The notion of deformation of justice, which, in our opinion, should be defined as the distortion of rational, emotional or (and) of volitional component of its contents, which make it impossible or significantly impede effective legal regulation. It should be emphasized that the deformation characteristic distortion of justice at the level of values, knowledge and practical skills. The main deformation of justice are: legal infantilism, legal idealism (fetishism), legal amateurism, legal demagoguery, legal scepticism, legal nihilism and the «rebirth» of justice. However, one should also add the following forms of legal consciousness deformation, such as: legal radicalism, populism law and legal conformity. In the era of the industrial revolution, and feudal social revolutions, radicalism became an alternative social development. There are different types of radicalism, in particular, emphasize the political, religious, philosophical, revolutionary, legal and others. Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that the level of legal awareness of citizens (and respectively – the number of displays deformities) affects a number of different factors, including the lack of a single high-performance system of legal education and popularization antilegal behaviour through the media. Therefore, in addition to a more detailed analysis of common and uncommon forms of deformation of legal consciousness, the main objectives, which makes time itself to scientists, but in the long term – and the leaders of our country should be added detailing the causes of diverse strains of legal consciousness, and how to overcome them.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7654
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