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Title: Співробітництво територіальних громад: теорія і практика
Other Titles: Сотрудничество территориальных обществ: теория и практика
Cooperation between territorial communities: theory and practice
Authors: Любченко, П.М.
Keywords: співробітництво територіальних громад
міжмуніципальне співробітництво
місцеве самоврядування
спільний орган управління
сотрудничество территориальных общин
межмуниципальное сотрудничество
местное самоуправление
общий орган управления
cooperation of local communities
inter-municipal cooperation
local government
joint body of management
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Любченко П. М. Співробітництво територіальних громад: теорія і практика / П. М. Любченко // Проблеми законності : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2015. – Вип. 129. – С. 50-59.
Abstract: У статті системно проаналізовано проблеми правового регулювання співробітництва територіальних громад, особливості окремих форм міжмуніципального співробітництва, досліджується практика укладення договорів про співробітництво територіальних громад, пропонуються напрямки вдосконалення правового регулювання відносин у зазначеній сфері.
В статье системно проанализированы проблемы правового регулирования сотрудничества территориальных общин, особенности отдельных форм межмуниципального сотрудничества, исследуется практика заключения договоров о сотрудничестве территориальных общин, предлагаются направления совершенствования правового регулирования отношений в данной сфере.
Description: Problem Setting. The paper analyzes the problems in the system of legal regulation of cooperation between communities, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of such cooperation in Ukrainian local government. Analysis of the recent researches and publications. The legal basis for cooperation in the field of local government are provisions of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, by-laws. The organizational principles of communities cooperation, principles, forms and mechanisms of such cooperation and its promotion, financing and monitoring prescribed by the Law of Ukraine «On cooperation of local communities» 17 June 2014, which provides five possible forms of cooperation. Paper main body. The first form - delegation to one party of cooperation by another parties of cooperation execution of one or few tasks with transferring of appropriate resources - one of the most difficult to implement, therefore in Ukraine it is not yet implemented. The second form – realization of joint projects, involving coordination of activities between parties of cooperation and accumulating them for a certain period resources to joint implementation of appropriate measures - one of the most common. This form is popular because of its simplicity and versatility. Parties are determining the purpose of the project, terms and conditions of its implementation, a list of activities and conditions for their implementation, financial liabilities, other forms of local governments participation in implementation of the project and mechanism of coordination. The third and fourth forms aimed on the creation and maintenance of communal enterprises, institutions and organizations - joint infrastructure projects by parties of cooperation. This form of cooperation with the prospect of widespread use because it is aimed at ensuring effective use of resources of local communities based on common application available in one of the subjects of cooperation of municipal infrastructure. The fifth form – creations by cooperation parties joint body of management - complex, not properly regulated, so there is no example of this type of cooperation in Ukraine. The basic directions of improvement of legal regulation of relations in this area proposed by author. These are formation of associations (Union of Communities), public legal structures with significantly higher levels of integrated territorial cooperation to jointly address most or all local matters, however local communities united in an alliance should not lose their legal status. Conclusions. The inter-municipal cooperation relatively new direction of local government in Ukraine and therefore requires a broad coverage of positive practices and benefits of voluntary restrictions of their own local communities autonomy for improving the quality of life of citizens in the territory. Cooperation should be based on clear goals and desired by strengthening solidarity and partnership to achieve result.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри державного будівництва

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