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Title: Nature of human rights and freedoms as an object of legal regulation
Authors: Yelnykova, M.
Keywords: nature of human rights and freedoms
object of legal regulation
United Nations
permanent International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague
permanently appointed judges
international law
serious crimes
war crimes
crimes against humanity
human rights
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: Yelnykova M. Nature of human rights and freedoms as an object of legal regulation / Yelnykova Mariia // Проблеми сучасної юридичної науки очима молодих учених : матеріали Всеукр. конф., 17 ківт. 2014 р. – Харків, 2014. – С. 105–107.
Appears in Collections:Тези, доповіді кафедри конституційного права

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