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Назва: Організаційне забезпечення санітарної справи в Україні в період 1917-1921 рр.
Інші назви: Организационное обеспечение санитарного дела в Украине в период 1917–1921 гг.
On the organizational maintenance of the sanitary issues in Ukraine (1917–1921)
Автори: Гоцуляк, С.Л.
Ключові слова: Міністерство народного здоров’я та опікування
санітарна справа
епідемічні хвороби
история государства и права Украины
история государства и права УССР
санитарное законодательство
санитарные органы
Министерство народного здоровья и опекунства
санитарное дело
эпидемические болезни
санитарно-эпидемиологическе дело
Ministry of Public Health and Care
sanitary issue
epidemic diseases
Дата публікації: 2014
Бібліографічний опис: Гоцуляк С. Л. Організаційне забезпечення санітарної справи в Україні в період 1917-1921 рр. / С. Л. Гоцуляк // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2014. – Вип. 27. – С. 247–257.
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті розглядаються проблеми санітарної справи у період національно-визвольних змагань на території України (1917–1921 рр.). Автор а налізує дії Центральної Ради, Гетьманату П. Скоропадського, а також Директорії щодо перетворення та вдосконалення санітарно-епідемічної справи. Акцентується увага на участі урядів у боротьбі з епідеміями шляхом виділення коштів для більш ефективних заходів.
В статье рассматриваются проблемы санитарного дела в Украине в период правления Центральной Рады, Гетьманата П. Скоропадского, Директории, их влияние на преобразование и совершенствование санитарно-эпидемиологического дела. Также делается акцент на участие правительств в борьбе с эпидемиями путем выделения средств для эффективных мероприятий.
Опис: The relevance of this paper is caused by the detailed analysis of the documents and materials of the national liberation struggle in Ukraine – the period of the UNR Central Council (the Tsentralna Rada), the Hetmanate Skoropadskogo, the Directorate, and their activity in the legislative provision of the sanitary affairs. Novelty of the study is in the fact that the documents concerning legislative regulation of the sanitary issues were analyzed and distinguished from the medical field. The investigation of the problem is insufficient; a big quantity of the researches touches just the medical sphere. Among the scholars who mentioned sanitary-epidemic legislation can be distinguishes such as: V. U. Lyubinskiy, A. Korczak-Chepurkivskyy, R. Osinchuk, A. Vlodek, L. M. Zhvanko, O. O. Kolosova, O. Pshenyshna, Ja. Radysh, N. Myenyentseva, L. Buravlov. The aim of the paper is the comprehensive research of the legal regulation of sanitary-epidemic issues, its transformation and improvement during the period 1917–1921. The main statement of the study. The development and formation of social policy during the rule of the national governments of 1917–1921 were analyzed. The social protection and care took place in the times of the Russian Empire and a certain period after its breakup, the legal provisions were not cancelled in Ukraine by the national governments, especially during the period of the UNR Central Council. After the ineffective actions of the Central Council, the significant achievement of the Hetmanate has been the creation of the State Ministry of Public Health and Care, which made it possible to concentrate all problems connected with public care and social work in a ministry, to consider them in details and to take appropriate actions. Consequently, the policy of this government has been more stable in contrast to the UNR Central Rada and further to the Directorate. Actually, the Directorate social policy hadn’t the significant effect, that was mainly due to external, rather than to the internal circumstances. It was least implemented, first of all, because of the unstable internal political conditions (repeated changes of the government, military action). However, we can not ignore the fact that all Ukrainian national governments of 1917–1921 attempted to develop their own system of the higher and subordinate social security authorities. It was established the adequate legislative framework provided by the appropriate legal acts and regulations. Conclusions. Summarizing the research, it is possible to make a conclusion that the legal framework during the period of 1917–1921 was based on the Russian Empire legislation (with emendments which due to that historical period). There were certain qualitative and quantitative transformation of the sanitary legislation as well as the insignificant transformation in certain medical fields, aimed at establishing the sustainable and efficient legislation. This paper deals with the period of the national liberation struggle in Ukraine (1917–1921). The author examines the impact of the UNR Central Council, the Hetmanate Skoropadskogo and the Directorate on the transformation and improvement of the sanitary-epidemic field. The attention is focused on the participation of the governments in dealing with the epidemics through the provision of funds for the more effective measures.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7660
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