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Title: Деякі проблемні питання ефективності реалізації муніципально-правових санкцій в Україні та шляхи їх вирішення
Other Titles: Некоторые проблемные вопросы эффективности реализации муниципально-правовых санкций в Украине и пути их решения
Some issues of efficiency of implementation of municipal and legal sanctions in Ukraine and ways of their solutions
Authors: Стешенко, Т.В.
Салівон, Г.І.
Keywords: муніципально-правова відповідальність
муніципально-правові санкції
Муніципальний кодекс України
муниципально-правовая ответственность
муниципально-правовые санкции
Муниципальный кодекс Украины
municipal and legal sanctions
Municipal Code of Ukraine
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Стешенко Т. В. Деякі проблемні питання ефективності реалізації муніципально-правових санкцій в Україні та шляхи їх вирішення / Т. В. Стешенко, Г. І. Салівон // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2013. – Вип. 26. – С. 110–121.
Abstract: Проаналізовані деякі проблеми реалізації муніципально-правових санкцій в Україні та шляхи їх вирішення.
Проанализированы некоторые проблемы реализации муниципально-правовых санкций в Украине и пути их решения.
Description: Some issues of efficiency of implementation of municipal and legal sanctions in Ukraine and ways to solve them have been analyzed in this article. The practice of essence of the institution of municipal and legal sanctions in Ukraine has showed a number of deficiencies caused, primarily, by imperfect Ukrainian legislation, outdated regulations, which currently do not comply current realities. Some regulations have ever remained since the existence of the USSR. The entire legal framework of implementation of municipal and legal responsibility and the application of municipal and legal sanctions in Ukraine require immediate renewal and existing problems of practical implementation need soon as possible solution. Changes in legislation without proper theoretical analysis, including clarification of content, purpose, mechanism of application of municipal and legal sanctions will be illogical and wrong, as such legislative renewal will be followed by any new challenges that will need more and not some changes in the legislation. In addition, proper theoretical study of this problem significantly saves time and other resources and it will give an opportunity better solve all the problems. In our opinion, more sensible idea in this case is the idea of creation in Ukraine codified legal act – Municipal Code of Ukraine, which would comprehensively regulate social relations in the sphere of local self-government, all the issues of organization and activities of local self-government in Ukraine, and which could include make all new acts and our proposed amendments concerning municipal legal responsibility and implementation of municipal and legal sanctions in Ukraine. We believe that a separate section can be created within the Municipal Code of Ukraine, for example, titled «Responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government in Ukraine», which briefly outlines the issues of application to agencies and local self-government officials sanctions of criminal, administrative, civil, disciplinary or other legal responsibility, and prescribe in detail all aspects of application of municipal and legal sanctions and municipal and legal liability (including constitutional and legal liability and sanctions). This conclusion is logical, since all the issues of the application of other sanctions except municipal and legal sanctions have been regulated in detail in other legal acts of Ukrainian legislation, and municipal government issues and legal sanctions mechanism, elements, principles, stages, the conditions of their implementation, etc. – are huge gaps for the legislation of Ukraine.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри державного будівництва

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