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Назва: Відкритість та гласність у сфері місцевого самоврядування
Інші назви: Открытость и гласность в сфере местного самоуправления
Openness and publicity in local self government sphere
Автори: Любченко, П.М.
Ключові слова: місцеве самоврядування
правове регулювання
місцеві органи влади
местное самоуправление
правовое регулирование
местные органы власти
local government
legal regulation
local authorities
Дата публікації: 2013
Видавець: видавництво "Право"
Бібліографічний опис: Любченко П. М. Відкритість та гласність у сфері місцевого самоврядування / П. М. Любченко // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2013. – Вип. 25. – С. 88–101.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Досліджуються принципи прозорості, відкритості, гласності у сфері місцевого самоврядування, визначені основні елементи механізму забезпечення відкритості й прозорості в організації та діяльності органів та посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування, стан правового регулювання та перспективні напрями його удосконалення.
Исследуются принципы прозрачности, открытости, гласности в сфере местного самоуправления, определены основные элементы механизма обеспечения открытости и прозрачности в организации и деятельности муниципальных органов власти и должностных лиц, состояние правового регулирования и перспективные направления его совершенствования.
Опис: The article is devoted to research of principle of transparency, openness and publicity in the local government sphere, the basic elements of the mechanism to ensure openness and transparency in the organization and operation of the municipal authorities and officials, state regulation and promising fields of its perfection. It is established that the situation of ensuring legal mechanism for implementing the principles of openness and publicity recently has improved slightly, which helps, of course, better ensure the rights and freedoms of human and citizen, as well as the further development of local government in Ukraine. However, it is far away to the international standards in this area. The positive experience of foreign countries clearly shows that legislation in this area can be effective only on conditions that the availability of detailed provisions on the procedures of authorities and rules of consideration on information which were requested, a clear definition of the scope of the principle of publicity. It minimizes the limits of discretion activities of law enforcement people. Furthermore, these relations have to be closely monitored by judiciary. Reference points for further improvement of the national legislation should be the principles of «open government» formulated at a meeting of leading experts in the field of Public Information (December, 2007., Of Sebastopol, California, USA). Openness and publicity in the local government is not only a constitutional requirement of their activities, but also an important reason for further development of the institution of local government in general. Developing relations with community should be necessary for daily work in governmental bodies. Many cities publish information about their activities by placing it on their own sites in the Internet. However, they are often placed only general information that is advertise or presentational character and it is organized interactive mode of communication via e-mail as common. Special attention is paid to the quality and availability of information in local governance. Citizens tend to face inaccessibility of information sources for them. This is due to underdevelopment of the domestic media space, closeness databases and, again, poor technical support of local government. The process of implementing the principle of publicity requires further development and a proper regulatory framework, especially at the local level, which should establish the rights and obligations of all participants in social relations, as well as methods for their implementation. This aspect deserves a positive evaluation in the Rules of Kharkov City Council. Article deals with the openness and publicity of the process of initiation, preparation, adoption and enforcement of local self-government and stated its opacity. Also the problems of informing the public about administrative decisions taken by the executive bodies of local councils and their activities directly affect the interests of the citizens take place. Definition of legal scopes execution of the principles of openness and publicity requires a careful and balanced approach, which must take into account balance and protect the interests of all subjects of public relations in local government.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6592
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