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Назва: Витоки і становлення теоретичних знань загальної теорії розуміння – герменевтики: ідеї філософів доби античності
Інші назви: Истоки и становление теоретических знаний общей теории понимания – герменевтики: идеи философов эпохи античности
Beginning a theoretical knowledge of theory’s understanding – the hermeneutic: ideaes of the antique philosophers
Автори: Гетьман, І.В.
Ключові слова: герменевтична методологія
герменевтическая методология
hermeneutical methodology
Дата публікації: 2013
Видавець: видавництво "Право"
Бібліографічний опис: Гетьман І. В. Витоки і становлення теоретичних знань загальної теорії розуміння – герменевтики: ідеї філософів доби античності / І. В. Гетьман // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2013. – Вип. 25. – С. 29–40.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Досліджується становлення знань про герменевтичну проблематику в історико-хронологічному вимірі на прикладі знань філософів епохи античності. У контексті поставленої проблеми отримала деталізацію конструкція мисленнєвої діяльності, визначено її етапи, вивчені передумови, висвітлено історичні знання із зазначеної проблеми.
Исследуется становление знаний о герменевтической проблематике в историко-хронологическом измерении на примере знаний философов эпохи античности. В контексте поставленной проблемы получила детализацию конструкция мыслительной деятельности, определены её этапы, изучены предпосылки, изложены исторические знания по данной проблематике.
Опис: The work is devoted to the study of transformations arising in the modern methodological approaches to the definition of the phenomenon of law, in particular the planned comprehensive analysis of the problems of the general theory of understanding – of hermeneutics, with the assistance of historical instruments in chronological gap – the era of antiquity. The relevance and prospects, the author developed areas, due, primarily, social and legal realities of the picture, the reality around us. Trends in the last one, in many ways similar to the pan-European. In this connection I would like to note: a) changes in the production, exchange, sharing and consumption of material goods, and b) the transformation of the socio-economic sphere that led to the formation of the information or the post-industrial society, and c) the acquisition, but along with that, and some dead ends of globalization d) reform in the methodological component of the modern legal science. In the context of a given problem has received detailed structure of mental activity, withdrawn its stages, studied the prerequisites set out historical knowledge on the subject. Analysis of the volume of the formation of ancient philosophical thought on the subject of mapping its provisions hermeneutical directions correctly started with illustration and elaboration of the Sophists, which made it possible to conclude that, with their participation begin to form the first hermeneutical position, but about creating a holistic hermeneutic direction it has do not go. At that time there were only a few techniques, such as paraphrase, context-sensitive translation. In carrying out further research and development, the author comes to thoughts about the presence, as the main «tool» in the process of mental activity – judgment, as an example of illustration of this fact, studied ancient product of the «Apology of Socrates». Using the proposition, Socrates outlines a different vision of the world in general and myself in it. I especially want to emphasize that this is just another, different, unequal judgment, as some scholars of legal hermeneutics, argue that in the time of ancient culture differing judgments are not there because of their uselessness, dictated the same, collective thinking. In addition, it is concluded that the judgment became necessary at the inception of the ancient legal thinking and if they were originally fixed in the form of simple circuits (for example, «A is A»), then later thinking shifted to a higher stage of development and revolution of thought moved to the formula «A is B», «B is C», «A is C» etc. It thus appears stages of formation started thinking activity, which is the essence of hermeneutics. The article finds its reflection argument for the necessity of forming the same rules to create judgments, this subordination of certain statutes and procedures, the author has received support based on our analytical work on the study of life-insurance policies ancient cities. A detailed description of the attempts to create similar rules for the interpretation of the same is given in the study villages. Acknowledging the primacy of Aristotle in this, the author analyzes the recent treatise «About of the interpretation», kept aksiologichical importance and relevance in our time. This activity allowed us to determine the legal status of the procedure to make judgments, using standard rules and regulations, which was equivalent to the status of the adopted laws. Since forming a judgment on the rules, the individual limit himself, matching his own judgment with the accepted norm. The study of heuristic heritage of Plato led to the conclusion of the universal character of his research, as a philosopher interested in the different phenomena at the micro and macro levels. Conclusive on the value of the philosopher concept of «plausible myth», which is the foundation of the doctrine of knowledge, according to Plato, and as a result, are laying the foundation for building the future of hermeneutical methodology with its practical settings for the correct interpretation. In the study, the author entered the epistemological matter, not only a philosophical and legal, but medical science, especially in its psychoanalytic component, which means that it is safe to say that the ancient philosophers have opened up broad horizons for researchers in different fields, it is not for nothing the concept of «plausible myth» interested famous philosophers, but along with it and practicing physicians psychoanalysts Erich Fromm and Carl Jung.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6588
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