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Title: Формування інноваційного клімату у ВНЗ
Other Titles: Формирование инновационного климата в вузе
Formation of innovative environment
Authors: Клімова, Г.П.
Keywords: інновація
інноваційна діяльність
інноваційний клімат у вищих навчальних закладах
инновационная деятельность
инновационный климат в высших учебных заведениях
innovative environment
system of higher education
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Клімова Г. П. Формування інноваційного клімату у ВНЗ [Електронний ресурс] / Г. П. Клімова // Право та інновації. – 2013. – № 4. – Режим доступу : – Заголовок з екрана.
Abstract: Статтю присвячено теоретико-методологічному аналізу формування інноваційного клімату в вищій школі. Проаналізовано внутрішні й зовнішні фактори, що впливають на цей процес. Розглянуто ієрархія складових ВНЗ («освіта» – «наука» – «продукування новацій») як його інноваційний потенціал.
Статья посвящена теоретико-методологическому анализу формирования инновационного климата в высшей школе. Проанализированы внутренние и внешние факторы, влияющие на этой процесс. Рассмотрена иерархия составляющих вуза («образование» – «наука» – «продуцирование новшеств») как его инновационный потенциал.
Description: The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological analysis of the formation of the innovative environment in system of higher education. The internal and external factors affecting this process are analysed. A hierarchy of components in system of higher education ("Education" - "Science" - "Production innovations") as its capacity to innovate is considered. The basic criterion, which determines the efficiency of the process of creation and use of innovations in system of higher education, is its innovative potential that describes the ability of system of higher education to implement innovative processes. Innovative potential of universities is a combination of different types of resources, including tangible, intangible, financial, human, intellectual and other resources required for the successful implementation of innovative activity. Innovative potential of universities consists of three groups of indicators: 1) indicators of quality of educational services, 2) performance balancing infrastructure of the university and 3) the results of the performance of system of higher education (social, economic, environmental, etc.). State university innovative potential depends on the innovative environment, the characteristics of which are often crucial for the realisation of innovative purposes. A necessary condition for the formation of innovative environment of system of higher education is expressed in the availability of its three components, "education", "science" and "production innovations." The sufficient condition for the formation of innovative environment in universities is expressed in sophistication, balance and active interaction of these components, the required level of which is determined by the availability of a stable system of vertical active connections between them. Vertical system of active connections between "education ", "science " and "production innovations" in system of higher education provides an effective system of horizontal connections between the structural units (departments). The external environment is the innovative policy in legislation and tax system, the demand of the products and business innovative university. Important element of external innovative environment in university is the quality of students, as it determines the success of innovative educational programs in system of higher education. An important component of internal innovative environment is the availability of skilled employees, which are capable of generation and implementation of new ideas, and competent leaders that are ready to perceive the need for change and are able to carry out organisational and managerial innovations in system of higher education.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри соціології та політології

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