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Title: Military terms as a composite component of the English language lexical system for servicemen
Authors: Ігнатьєва, А.І.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: НЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Ігнатьєва А. І. Military terms as a composite component of the English language lexical system for servicemen / А. І. Ігнатьєва // Лінгвістика, лінгводидактика та міжмовна комунікація: сучасний стан та проблеми : І Міжвуз. наук.-практ. семінар, м. Харків, ХНУПС, 4–5.10.2023 р. – Харків, 2023. – С. 38–40.
Abstract: Changing the sociocultural context of the study of foreign languages in Ukraine results in changes in the content of the study and teaching of foreign languages. According to the new draft of the program on foreign languages for specialized higher military educational institutions, the main purpose of teaching foreign languages is the formation of communicative competence of servicemen. At the same time, the new program is based on the requirements of the Council of Europe Recommendations, which are oriented towards the formation of socio- cultural competence and the need to teach intercultural communication, which, within the sociocultural approach to learning foreign languages, is defined as a functionally determined communicative interaction of people who serve as carriers of various cultural communities through awareness of them or other people of their belonging to different geopolitical, religious, national, as well as social subcultures. In order for this dialogue of cultures to succeed, its participants must have a completely diverse socio-cultural information about each other, thus, socio-cultural competence is the basis necessary for the dialogue of cultures.
Appears in Collections:Тези, доповіді Військово-юридичного інституту

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