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dc.contributor.authorSokurenko, V.en
dc.contributor.authorTarasenko, O.en
dc.contributor.authorKorniienko, M.en
dc.contributor.authorPashchenko, Y.en
dc.contributor.authorNguindip, N.C.en
dc.identifier.citationRe-Evaluating the Views in Combating Corruption Criminal Offenses Under martial law / V. Sokurenko, O. Tarasenko, M. Korniienko, Y. Pashchenko, N. Charles Nguindip // International Journal of Religion. – 2024. – Т. 5, № 9. – С. 1137–1145. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.61707/r6atc451.en
dc.description.abstractEvery society is always plagued by the ills of unwanted practices, and these ills constitute detrimental for the development of the society. One of this defect of the society are corrupted offences that have jeopardized the smooth functioning of every stable society. This research delves into the sociocultural phenomenon of corruption, focusing on combating corruption criminal offenses under martial law in experience in Ukraine. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that combating corruption is one of the priority issues facing Ukrainian society today. In general, the concept of corruption was known in the early stages of human civilization. Over time, the society needed to counteract this phenomenon, which could only be realized if there was effective anti-corruption legislation. In the context of a fierce confrontation with the aggressor, the need to save lives, preserve the nation and territorial integrity, intolerance to any illegal manifestations in the state, especially corruption, is very acute. Today, the issues of preventing and combating corruption remain extremely relevant. During the period of martial law, corruption is a factor that poses a real threat to national security, strengthening democracy, enhancing the country's authority in the international arena and further development of the state as a whole. Given the current situation in Ukrainian society, it is urgent to find ways to improve anti-corruption legislation and anticorruption infrastructure. Special attention should be paid to the need to improve the effectiveness of training of specialists in the field of preventing and combating corruption.en
dc.publisherНЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрогоuk_UA
dc.subjectcounteraction to Criminal Offensesen
dc.subjectCorruption Offensesen
dc.subjectanti-Corruption Legislationen
dc.titleRe-Evaluating the Views in Combating Corruption Criminal Offenses Under martial lawen
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