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Title: Legal regulation of professional obligations of physicians in Ukraine
Authors: Baulin, Y.V.
Rohozhyn, B.
Vyshnevska, I.A.
Keywords: medical law
professional obligations
медичне право
професійні обов'язки
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: НЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Baulin Yu. Legal regulation of professional obligations of physicians in Ukraine / Yu. Baulin, B. Rohozhyn, I. Vyshnevska // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. - 2019. - Vol. 72, Iss. 9. - p. 1839-1843.
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Introduction: It was identified that one of the priorities of medical reform in Ukraine is the establishment of an effective system of legal regulation of professional physician's obligations that meets European standards. However, the legal regulation of relations between actors in the field of health care lags behind the practice of their development. The aim to find out the status of legal regulation of the professional obligations of health workers, to identify the gaps in this regulation, to formulate proposals for improving the legal framework for the issue under investigation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: Legislation of Ukraine and certain European countries, international declarations and conventions, scientific works, 28 judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, 96 sentences of the practice of the national courts of Ukraine. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: During the study, the stages of determining the professional physician's obligations were singled out, which would optimize the legislative process of regulation of obligations. One of the problems is the incorrect translation of protocols, which is assigned to a medical care institution. It was proposed to solve this problem by introducing a unified system of protocols and standards, the duty of translation and adaptation of which is entrusted to the central body of executive power in the field of health care. It is relevant to consolidate the duty of medical records management at the level of law, which will serve as a guarantee of ensuring the proper performance by the physician of a professional obligation to treat and diagnose a particular patient. In order to avoid cases of judgments, based on the results of the сommission's assessment of the actions of a physician and to eliminate the number of cases of unjustified attraction of physicians to liability, it is necessary to consolidate a clear list of general professional physician's obligations in a single regulatory act.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри кримінального права № 1

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