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Title: Образовательные парадоксы «общества знания»
Authors: Мошинская, Е.Ю.
Keywords: paradox
knowledge society
educational crisis
human being
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Мошинская Е. Ю. Образовательные парадоксы «общества знания» / Е. Ю. Мошинская // Social and Economic Aspects of Education in Modern Society : proceedings of the XI intern. sci. and practical conf. (22 march, 2019). – Warsaw, Poland, 2019. – Vol. 3. – P. 23–27.
Abstract: Educational paradoxes of “knowledge society” are considered in the article. They are caused by features of modern society: the existing educational crisis. Educational paradoxes reflect the presence in educational reality of existing dichotomies: custom/innovation, methodology/technology, human being /technology, natural/artificial, subjective/objective, eternal /occasional. They represent the multiplicity of educational models, which turned out in the result of different circumstances: state, national, cultural, economic etc. The technology of education causes rather considerable spectrum of paradoxes. At first paradoxes which concern the transformation of human being are happened. He is determined much more in educational space not only as smart, creative, competent but as a human being – a child of Internet, a technical-medial, a technological, a finger-boy, a nomad. Each of these definitions emphasise on educational paradoxes as a result of technology of education. Education becomes the part of market relations. Corruption and bribery raise such paradoxes as symbol education which jeopardizes the education itself. The type of modern ignoramus is appeared.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри іноземних мов № 1

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