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Title: | Право працівника на належні, безпечні та здорові умови праці |
Other Titles: | The employee's right to proper, safe and healthy working conditions |
Authors: | Шрамко, Олександр В’ячеславович |
Keywords: | умови праці безпечні умови праці належні умови праці здорові умови праці шкідливі умови праці важка праця право на безпечні, належні та здорові умови праці атестація робочих місць working conditions safe working conditions proper working conditions healthy working conditions harmful working conditions hard work right to safe, proper and healthy working conditions certification of workplaces |
Issue Date: | 2019 |
Citation: | Шрамко О. В. Право працівника на належні, безпечні та здорові умови праці : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.05 / О. В. Шрамко ; наук. кер. О. М. Ярошенко ; Нац. юрид. ун-т ім. Ярослава Мудрого. – Харків, 2019. – 20 с. |
Abstract: | Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.05 «Трудове право; право соціального забезпечення». – Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Міністерство освіти і науки України. – Харків, 2019. У дисертації здійснено класифікацію умов праці з точки зору безпеки для життя і здоров’я працівника на дві групи: (1) умови праці, пов’язані з характером виробництва, до яких варто віднести важкі, шкідливі й небезпечні умови і (2) умови праці, які за ступенем виконання роботодавцем обов’язків з охорони праці на виробництві поділяються на здорові, безпечні й належні (нормальні, оптимальні). Проведена класифікація зумовлена тим фактом, що важкість праці пов’язується, як правило, з навантаженням, масою вантажу, що піднімається і переміщується працівником, напруженістю тощо, що може негативно впливати на його здоров’я. Ось чому часто такі умови праці розглядаються на практиці як важкі, неналежні. Те ж саме можна сказати і про шкідливі й небезпечні умови праці, які також апріорі на практиці вважаються неналежними. У той же час важкість, шкідливість і небезпечність праці зовсім не свідчить про неналежні її умови. У дисертаційній роботі доводиться, що за своєю сутністю ці дві групи умов праці є різними. Адже важкі, шкідливі й небезпечні умови є особливістю виробництва, тоді як забезпечення здорових, безпечних і належних умов праці, по суті, є обов’язком роботодавця, який повинен створити саме такі умови. Обов’язком же працюючих є дотримання всіх заходів безпеки, створених роботодавцем для гарантування здорових, безпечних і належних умов праці. Адже навіть в умовах виконання важких, шкідливих і небезпечних робіт працівникові мають гарантуватися здорові, безпечні й належні умови праці. Доводиться, що поділ умов праці на належні, безпечні і здорові є штучним, позаяк вони взаємопов’язані й невіддільні, оскільки належними умовами праці за своєю сутністю якраз і виступають безпечні і здорові умови. У свою чергу, якщо на підприємстві, в установі чи організації створено безпечні умови праці, то це означає, що вони є належними і здоровими. |
Description: | Thesis for a degree of Candidate of Science in Law, specialty 12.00.05 «Labor law; social security law». – Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Kharkiv, 2019. In the thesis, the classification of working conditions from the point of view of safety for the worker's life and health, has been grouped into two groups, in particular: (1) working conditions that are related to the nature of production, which should include: heavy, harmful and dangerous and (2) labor conditions, which, by degree of employer's performance of duties on occupational safety, are divided into: healthy, safe and proper (normal, optimal). The author insists that this classification is due to the fact that, as a rule, the severity of labor is related to the load, the weight of the rising and moving cargo, the tension, etc., which can adversely affect the health of the employee, therefore often these conditions are considered on practice as inappropriate. The same can be said about harmful and hazardous working conditions, which are also considered a priori in practice to be inappropriate. While the severity, harmfulness and danger of working conditions does not at all indicate an inadequate working environment. In the thesis it has proved that the two groups of working conditions are different in their essence, because the heavy, harmful and dangerous are the peculiarities of production, while the provision of healthy, safe and proper working conditions is essentially the duty of the employer to create exactly the following conditions and obligations. The employee must comply with all safety measures that were created by the employer to ensure a healthy, safe and decent working environment for the worker. Indeed, even in the performance of heavy, harmful and dangerous work, the worker must be guaranteed healthy, safe and proper working conditions. The author convinces that the category of «safe working conditions» does not mean that there is no danger, because the potential danger to the worker's life and health is always present at the time when he performs his labor duties. Ensuring and guaranteeing the safety of an employee should take place even in heavy, harmful and dangerous work. Therefore, safe working conditions are those working conditions in which the influence of potentially harmful and dangerous production factors is eliminated or the levels of such influence are minimized to the maximum allowable values with the help of personal protective equipment, as well as by ensuring the proper condition of technical equipment, equipment, equipment and tools, etc. The thesis states that in order to preserve the health of workers, the employer must create healthy working conditions by ensuring the provision of milk, aerated salt water, other special meals, prevention and prevention of occupational diseases and accidents at work, guaranteeing sanatorium and spa treatment, etc. The paper argues that the division of working conditions into proper, safe and healthy conditions is conditional, since these working conditions are interrelated and inseparable, since the proper working conditions are, by its very nature, safe and healthy working conditions. In turn, if there is a safe working environment in the enterprise, institution, or organization, then this means that the working conditions are decent and healthy. Proper conditions of work, the thesis has proposed to understand, the conditions for which the permissible levels of influence on the worker of the dust factor, the vibration-noise effect, radiation effect and the creation of favorable microclimatic regime (thermal regime), illumination atmosphere are allowed, provided that the workers are provided with means of individual protection, maintenance of the condition of equipment, tools, assemblies, etc., as well as maintaining the health of workers (provision of milk, carbonated salt water, etc.) and the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases (poisoning).The author insists that the certification of workplaces should be aimed at identifying the harmful and dangerous factors that exist in the workplace, so that the employer attempts to establish production in such a way as to avoid or at least reduce the harmful effects on the health of workers. In order to create proper, safe and healthy working conditions, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors at the planning stage of the construction of an enterprise. The thesis focuses on the fact that the certification of workplaces by working conditions is an event that allows determining the factors and causes of adverse working conditions, correctly and comprehensively assessing these conditions and confirming their compliance with the requirements of the established norms and norms and justifying the provision of benefits and compensation for work in harmful conditions provided by the legislation. The certification of workplaces is a logically justified and economically feasible component of the system of motivation for labor protection activities. Determining the amount of costs to improve working conditions must be accompanied by the calculation of the critical point of break-even production of the main types of products, since the profit of enterprises depends on the volume of production and the selling price of the unit of production, and on the sum of fixed and variable costs, including related labor protection in obtaining a certain type of product. |
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Appears in Collections: | 12.00.05 – Трудове право; право соціального забезпечення |
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