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Title: Вплив "політичної доцільності" на буття правових норм та цінностей у сучасному вітчизняному державотворенні
Authors: Калиновський, Ю.Ю.
Мануйлов, Є.М.
Keywords: принцип “політичної доцільностіˮ
політико-правові цінності
правові норми
принцип “политической целесообразностиˮ
политико-правовые ценности
государственное строительство
правовые нормы
principle of “political expediencyˮ
political and legal values
state building
legal norms
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: видавництво «Право»
Citation: Мануйлов Є. М. Вплив "політичної доцільності" на буття правових норм та цінностей у сучасному вітчизняному державотворенні / Є. М. Мануйлов, Ю. Ю. Калиновський // Вісник Національного університету "Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого". Серія: Філософія. – 2018. – № 1. – С. 20–32.
Abstract: Проаналізовано сутнісні характеристики принципу “політичної доцільностіˮ. Визначено вплив його реалізації на буття правових цінностей та норм в процесі розбудови української держави. Показано негативні та позитивні аспекти прийняття політичних рішень на основі принципу “політичної доцільностіˮ. Доведено, що застосування принципу “політичної доцільностіˮ у вітчизняному політико-правовому просторі може посилювати легітимаційний потенціал діючої влади або навпаки дестабілізувати систему політичних відносин.
Проанализированы сущностные характеристики принципа “политической целесообразностиˮ. Определено влияние его реализации на бытие правовых ценностей и норм в процессе развития украинского государства. Показаны негативные и позитивные аспекты принятия политических решений на основе принципа “политической целесообразностиˮ. Доказано, что применение принципа “политической целесообразностиˮ в отечественном политико-правовом пространстве может усиливать легитимационный потенциал действующей власти или наоборот дестабилизировать систему политических отношений.
Description: The mutual influence of politics and law, in accordance with political and legal values in a democratic society, is a rather controversial issue. It is generally known that politics should not affect the right, and political activity should be subordinated to law. At the same time, during the development of a democratic, law-governed state, situations arise that require rapid reaction to overcome social conflicts and contradictions, the preservation of civil peace, the establishment of justice and equilibrium in society. In such cases can be implemented the principle of “political expediencyˮ. The application of this principle on the one hand allows solving complex socio-political contradictions in the absence of the necessary legal norms, and on the other hand, the political motivation of decisions without proper legal justification should be perceived as an exception, which is appropriate only in socially sensitive crisis circumstances. The problem of interaction between politics and law, the peculiarities of the application of the principle of “political expediencyˮ in domestic political practices, the influence of the political situation on the existence of legal values and norms, was reflected in the works of such researchers as N. Dobrenka, A. Kukuruz, S. Maksimov, G. Matveeva, I. Nagornyuk, M. Nediuha, A. Selivanov, Y. Shemshuchenko and others. The purpose of our research is to clarify the peculiarities of the implementation and influence of the principle of “political expediencyˮ on the establishment and existence of legal values during the development of a democratic state in Ukraine. In a negative scenario, the application of the principle of “political expediencyˮ may have a dominant subjective component, and the treatment of certain socio-political and economic events corresponds to the interests of only a part of the political class and society. At the same time, the acceptance of a political and legal decision on the principle of “political expediencyˮ in a positive way should be the result of a broad socio-political consensus, which was developed because of consultations between political forces, dialogue with civil society, etc. With that, any politically motivated decision requires legal registration and must not run counter to the current Constitution. A legal norm based on the principle of “political expediencyˮ may have a twofold character: as a temporary mechanism for the restoration in society of such legal values as justice, legality, freedom, etc., or as a basis for the implementation of case law. In the second option, the legal norm should have a deep and systematic value, filling the existing legislative gap, reformatting relations in a certain area of public life. According to experts, the implementation of the principle of “political expediencyˮ in legal form can increase the legitimacy of the political class, institution, political regime as a whole, or vice versa, have a reverse delegitimizing effect. In order to strengthen the legitimate component of the political regime, it is extremely important that the taken decision is in line with the values of the political and legal culture of different sections of the population. In the public consciousness, the Constitution is an embodiment of justice, a stable law and order, legal legality when its provisions form the basis for the acceptance of politically expedient decisions, which are necessary to society. That is why the realization of the principle of “political expediencyˮ should be carried out on the basis of constitutional norms and values. Thus, the implementation of the principle of “political expediencyˮ and its impact on the existence of legal values at the present stage of domestic state building is ambivalent. On the one hand, the application of the aforementioned principle allows solving socio-political conflicts and restoring (consolidating) democratic political and legal values, overcoming the social crisis in cases where the mechanisms for its solution are not fixed in the current law. On the other hand, the principle of “political expediencyˮ can be used by political forces as means of fighting for power, as a technology to promote narrow-party interests.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри філософії

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