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Назва: Впровадження блокчейн-технології у виборчий процес
Інші назви: Внедрение блокчейн-технологии в избирательный процесс
The implementation of the blockchain technology to the electoral process
Автори: Шеверєва, В.Є.
Шаповалова, К.Р.
Ключові слова: блокчейн
виборче право
виборчий процес
електронне голосування
избирательное право
избирательный процесс
электронное голосование
electoral law
electoral process
Internet technologies
electronic voting
Дата публікації: 2018
Бібліографічний опис: Шеверєва В. Є. Впровадження блокчейн-технології у виборчий процес / В. Є. Шеверєва, К. Р. Шаповалова // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування. – Харків, 2018. – Вип. 35. – С. 147–163.
Короткий огляд (реферат): У даній статті комплексно аналізується застосування блокчейн-технології в інституті виборчого права. Розкрито досвід окремих держав при впровадженні інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій на прикладі блокчейну, його ефективність. Висвітлюються переваги та недоліки введення відповідної технології. Досліджено механізм блокчейну в рамках інституту перехідної демократії. На основі аналізу зарубіжного досвіду в різних сферах використання блокчейну запропоновані можливі шляхи вирішення неефективності процедур у виборчому процесі.
В данной статье комплексно анализируется применение блокчейн-технологии в институте избирательного права. Раскрыто опыт отдельных государств при внедрении информационно-коммуникационных технологий на примере блокчейна, его эффективность. Освещаются преимущества и недостатки введения соответствующей технологии. Исследован механизм блокчейна в рамках института переходной демократии. На основе анализа зарубежного опыта в различных сферах использования блокчейна предложены возможные пути решения неэффективности процедур в избирательном процессе.
Опис: The application of the blockchain to the institute of electoral law is analyzed in this article. It is noted that according to Ukrainian legislation, electronic voting is a vote on any public issue, including participation in polls, elections, referendums, which includes the use of electronic devices and adds for the identification of person and counting of votes. It is noted that blockhain is a new way of storing information, which can be used also in the electoral process. The experience and effectiveness of different states which use the introduction of information and communication technologies such as the blockchain are disclosed. There is an example of a Swiss blockchain project called Agora, where representatives of Agora were presented ballot papers by abandoning fingerprints. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing the technology are highlighted. It is concluded that voting with using of blockchain is one of the types of electronic voting. It is this kind of voting that helps to avoid the existing problems of ordinary voting using Internet technologies. The advantage of the blockchain’s mechanism is to guarantee the observance of the principles of the election process, proper and sufficient protection of personal data, gives society the possibility of further control over the elected deputy, etc. The blockchain mechanism in the framework of the institute of Transitional Democracy is investigated. The positive influence of the use of blockchain during the referendum is determined. Firstly, the procedure for collecting the required number of signatures is simplified. Secondly, the subsequent implementation procedure (in the case of mandatory referendum) will be simplified too. Blockchain technology can be effectively used at the stage of compiling voter lists. It will be positive that the voter will be able to self-identify in the voter lists and see what changes are made to it by the state authorities, and therefore he will be able to appeal the fact that, in his opinion, does not correspond to reality. Such lists will be complete, systematic and operational. It is noted that the improvement of the election institution is relevant as for foreign countries as for Ukraine due to the ineffectiveness of the current system. This article is based on the analysis of foreign experience in different spheres of use of blockchain and propose some possible ways of solving different problems in the electoral process. A significant asset will be the opportunity to overcome the corruption element during the election, which will increase the confidence of citizens in the future system and promote the emergence of a truly civil society. The possibility of influencing of using blockchain to overcome negative absenteeism is highlighted. It is noted that blockchain technology will help to avoid disturbances, electoral coercion, ethnic violence during voting, additional expenses for recounting voices, reduce the judicial fee for the appeal the results of voting and update the voter lists. But now there is a lack of confidence in such innovations that can’t be ignored. For example, there is a problem of including bias in assigning personal identifiers. Without large-scale education, voters don’t want to participate in such a vote. The theoretical generalization and a new solution to the scientific task concerning the modernization of the electoral institute, which is relevant to any of the countries of the world, is presented in this work. The mechanism is as transparent as possible, it is not possible to fake any information in, which is relevant in the current development of technologies and errors through the human factor. It is analyzed and given the conclusion that the application of this mechanism will contribute to raising the level of trust between states and citizens, will ensure the speed of the process and simplify the procedure, prevent the occurrence of an error. There is a proposal to make a harmonize legislation with using the latest world trends.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15243
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові статті кафедри державного будівництва

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