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Название: Корупція в сучасній Україні як джерело деструктивності влади
Другие названия: Коррупция в современной Украине как источник деструктивности власти
Corruption in modern Ukraine as a source of destructiveness of power
Авторы: Сахань, О.М.
Ключевые слова: корупція
деструктивність влади
правовий цинізм
правовий нігілізм
деструктивность власти
правовой цинизм
правовой нигилизм
destructiveness of power
legal cynicism
legal nihilism
Дата публикации: 2015
Библиографическое описание: Сахань О. М. Корупція в сучасній Україні як джерело деструктивності влади / О. М. Сахань // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія. – Харків, 2015. – № 4. – С. 112–129.
Аннотация: Розглянуто корупцію в умовах сучасного розвитку української держави як джерело деструктивності влади. Проаналізовано наслідки злочинної діяльності корумпованих державних чиновників, визначені проблеми, що гальмують антикорупційну політику в Україні. Ведеться пошук шляхів попередження і протидії негативного впливу корупції на владу.
Рассмотрена коррупция в условиях современного развития украинского государства как источник деструктивности власти. Проанализированы последствия преступной деятельности коррумпированных государственных чиновников, определены проблемы, тормозящие антикоррупционную политику в Украине. Ведется поиск власть.
Описание: Corruption as a source of the destructiveness of power in modern Ukraine is treated as a negative social phenomenon, emerging in the process of power relations implementation by the persons authorized to do so, who use the authority they are vested with to satisfy personal, mercenary, group or corporate interests through corrupt practices, bribery, abuse of power, granting benefits and privileges in contempt of public interests. The destructive effect of corruption results in political, economic, social and spiritual risks for the country, fall in prestige and influence of the authorities at all levels, deformation of the society’s moral principles, decrease in the citizens’ respect to the law, loss of political solidarity, propagation of political apathy and cynicism, legal nihilism and indifference in the social medium. It has been noted that the organized crime penetration in government and management structures enhances dependence of the legislative and management activity on groupspecific, corporate interests of certain criminal circles, which is destructive for the state and the society, and becomes a permanent source of the destructiveness of power, manifested in political decisions (fixed in regulatory acts) and respective acts of authorities, detached from the public needs and the national interests of the country, leads to propagation of illegitimate social practices and organized crime, constitutes an imminent threat to the national security and constitutional order, hampers the democratic development of the country, reduces the potential of civil society institutions, results in violation of human rights, brings the state into discredit at the international scale. It has been stressed that corruption environment formed in Ukraine within many years in conditions of legal cynicism of the authorities and juridical ill-breeding of the overwhelming majority of the population became a source of deformation of legal consciousness of the Ukrainian social medium and a peculiar way of thinking, which determines the lifestyle, public indifference to corrupt practices, moral degradation of the part of population, and consolidation of orientation at unlawful conduct and offending behavior in people’s perceptions. Corruption in the consciousness of a considerable part of members of society is associated with a quick and relatively simple solution of problems, mainly by means of bribes to officials of lower echelons of government of the state, therefore, corruption crimes are not perceived as injuring the state, but as normal functioning of the authorities. It has been determined that blurring of moral values of the population and officials’ indifference to the problem of corruption in the Ukrainian policy contributed to the fact that nepotism, turning the power in the state into the ownership of several oligarchical clans, became a standard of employment with governmental services in our state. It has been emphasized that fighting corruption must have a consistent and systematic nature and be one of the functions of the government and civil society. For this purpose, the power proper must be reformatted through downsizing the administrative staff, especially having parallel functions; increasing requirements to public sector employees, elected in a legitimate way through transparent elections, who must observe the code of honor of a public officer and bear real responsibility for offences and crimes when in service; rise the level of the political and legal culture of the population, assist in integrating efforts of the state and public in overcoming corruption in all spheres of the social life.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14588
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові статті кафедри соціології та політології

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