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Title: Концептуальні підходи до аналізу поняття «держава»
Other Titles: Концептуальные подходы к анализу понятия «государство»
The Conceptual Approaches for the Analysis of Notion «State»
Authors: Клімова, Г.П.
Keywords: держава
організація політичної влади
державна влада
ознаки держави
фактори виникнення держави
етапи розвитку державності
организация политической власти
государственная власть
признаки государства
факторы возникновения государства
этапы развития государственности
organization of political power
state power
characteristics of state
factors of state occurrence
stages of state development
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Клімова Г. П. Концептуальні підходи до аналізу поняття «держава» / Г. П. Клімова // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія. – Харків, 2015. – № 2. – С. 161–169.
Abstract: У статті аналізується сутність поняття «держава», що представлено в різних філософських, правових, соціологічних, політологічних теоріях; розглянуті найважливіші ознаки держави, її особливості як специфічної організації суспільства. Розкривається динамічний характер процесу розвитку державності. Розглядаються причини виникнення держави.
В статье анализируется сущность понятия «государство», представленного в различных философских, правовых, социологических, политологических теориях; рассмотрены важнейшие признаки государства, его особенности как специфической организации общества. Раскрывается динамичный характер процесса развития государственности. Рассматриваются причины возникновения государства.
Description: The nature of notion «state» presented in a variety of philosophical, legal, sociological, political science theories is analyzed in the article. The reasons of occurrence of a state are studied. The most important features of a state, its characteristics as the specific organization of society are investigated. The dynamic nature of the process of development of a state is shown. Despite the variety of approaches to the definition of a state, the scientific literature has traditionally defined it as a social phenomenon, the structure of which includes several main and several collateral elements. Among them the territory, population and public authorities take the center stage. Their presence, according to the classic legal point of view, is what distinguishes the state from the observed and other existing along with it public entities. The material basis of a state is a territory. It is one of the conditions that make possible the existence of the state. The state does not exist without the territory. The population as part of the state is a human community that exists on the territory of the state and obeys its power. It is important to emphasize that the entire population, which is a community of people, one nation and people lives in the territory of the state. The integrity of the people, i.e. their total subordination to the existing public authority is the important condition for the integrity of the state. The split of the population by social class or another sign (ethnic, religious) carries with it a major threat to the existence of the state. The political power is the defining element of the state. The state provides its own command valid for the entire population. These commands (orders) are expressed in the form of legal rules (laws), given by authorized state bodies. The ruling political group notifies its will to the subordinates by legal acts. The obligation for the population to execute the established legal norms is provided by the executive and regulatory bodies, courts and other legal institutions as well as by the special apparatus of coercion. The presence of civil servants, army, police, intelligence, counterintelligence is the derivative feature of the state. The state has its certain property required for the technical support of its activities means (weapons, buildings, transport and so on). The state sets the budget, tax system for the financial security of its activities and takes internal and external loans when necessary. Each state has its own symbols, which are the state emblem and flag. The state is a form of organization of the interests of all members of the society; it doesn’t unite them in all areas of their lives. The independence of the various social organizations and individuals, the presence of areas of “independent” life guaranteed by the state is the important feature of the civilized state and society. The key element of the state lies in the fact that it is the legitimate form of identification and expression of “general” interest and the means of its providing. In terms of social stratification of the society, the state acts as a tool of expression of interest, both through the direct vote of the citizens - referendums, and indirectly, through the activities of higher representative bodies of the state power. The demonstration of the state organization of a society is the state authority which is characterized by the prevalence along the territory, universality, autonomy, supremacy, legitimacy, independence, completeness. Thus, the state is the organization of the political power that exists on a certain social basis, acts as the official representative of the whole society and provides the implementation of its policies with the help of special apparatus.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри соціології та політології

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