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Назва: Соціологія війни П. О. Сорокіна
Інші назви: Социология войны П. А. Сорокина
P. A. Sorokin’s sociology war
Автори: Требін, М.П.
Ключові слова: війна
соціологія війни
причини війн
динаміка війн
індикатори війни
социология войны
причины войны
динамика войн
индикаторы войны
sociology of war
causes of war
dynamics of war
indicators war
Дата публікації: 2016
Бібліографічний опис: Требін М. П. Соціологія війни П. О. Сорокіна / М. П. Требін // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Соціологія. – Харків, 2016. – № 3. – С. 95–107.
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті досліджено концептуальні основи соціології війни П. О. Сорокіна, що базуються на вивченні 967 війн і 1629 внутрішніх смут: сутність феномену війни, причин її виникнення, закономірності в динаміці воєн, наслідки війни, співвідношення війни і миру тощо. Проаналізовані деякі індикатори війни, які використовує П. О. Сорокін у своїх дослідженнях. Серед основних індикаторів війни вчений виокремлює абсолютні показники чисельності збройних сил і розміри людських втрат, а також відносні показники, що дозволяють виявити зміни в динаміці військового тягаря на суспільство і порівняти держави з різною чисельністю населення.
В статье исследуются концептуальные основы социологии войны П. А. Сорокина, основанные на изучении 967 войн и 1629 внутренних смут: сущность феномена войны, причины ее возникновения, закономерности в динамике войн, последствия войны, соотношение войны и мира и др. Проанализированы некоторые индикаторы войны, используемые П. А. Сорокиным в своих исследованиях. Среди основных индикаторов войны ученый выделяет абсолютные показатели численности вооруженных сил и размеры человеческих потерь, а также относительные показатели, позволяющие выявить изменения в динамике военного бремени на общество и сравнить государства с разной численностью населения.
Опис: The article explores the conceptual foundations P. A. Sorokin’s of the sociology of war, based on a study of 967 wars and 1629 domestic unrest:. The essence of the phenomenon of war, its causes and regularities in the dynamics of war, the consequences of the war, the ratio of war and peace, etc. Are analyzed some indicators of war used by P. A. Sorokin in his studies. Among the main scientist War indicators highlights the absolute figures the number of armed forces and the dimensions of the human costs, as well as the relative indicators to detect changes in the dynamics of the military burden on society and to compare countries with different population. Sorokin’s Studies have shown that throughout history there is no stable «peace» or stable «warlike» nations. A common view is that democracies are less aggressive than autocratic, have not found confirmation in history. Sorokin said that the phenomenon of war almost as common and «normal» as the period of peace. Value of time spent by countries without wars, in his opinion, does not mean that war and peace alike alternate history. These studies do not give grounds to speak about trends disappearance of wars in the past, and despite the exceptionally strong performance in the twentieth century, argued that there is a steady tendency to growth. Curve Wars fluctuate and that is all that can be said, according to Sorokin. The dialectics of war and peace is, according to Sorokin, with constantly conflicting trends in society, war and peace, with, as history shows, roughly equal chances for temporary dominance. For Sorokin to match lines of war and culture is no causal link. In any case the war stimulates the development of science and art, not science development requires practical application of its achievements in military affairs. These two phenomena are parallel. They are a manifestation of deeper forces while participating in the creation of military power and political influence, flourishing culture and science. For a more accurate assessment of wars scientist introduced the index that shows the ratio between the number of armed conflicts and the number of victims of these conflicts per million population. Comparing the data with those of wars societies of Western Europe, Sorokin established pattern of increase in the index in certain periods, accompanied by a high degree of conflict or in society (civil wars) or between societies (interstate war). These repeated periods were evidence of a change of social and cultural values. And unlike everyday notions of straight-line relationship between the growth of war and victims on the one hand, and historical time, on the other, Sorokin showed that the dynamics of war has fluctuations or periods of rising and falling. These periods, according to Sorokin, is a litmus test to verify the hypothesis of the origin of war. Sorokin basic idea about the causes of war is that they can not be reduced to any single reason not to separate their class to explain the majority of military conflicts during the period. Specific causes of war in terms of Sorokin, belong to this class of phenomena, which hardly makes sense to explore in sociology at least consider them in the framework of the conventional division on political, economic, demographic and other factors. Moreover, such a classification, as it turned in its relation with the real dynamics of wars, of little use to explain their historical trend. Substantiating its position in more detail, the scientist sees it on a variety of specific reasons for each military conflict is not limited to direct several factors. Specific causes of war in terms of Sorokin, belong to this class of phenomena, which hardly makes sense to explore in sociology at least consider them in the framework of the conventional division on political, economic, demographic and other factors. Moreover, such a classification, as it turned in its relation with the real dynamics of wars, of little use to explain their historical trend. Substantiating its position in more detail, the scientist sees it on a variety of specific reasons for each military conflict is not limited to direct several factors. In «Social and cultural dynamics» P. A. Sorokin laid the foundation for further understanding, research and development of certain aspects of war – its nature, causes, impact of various factors on the probability of its occurrence, location Wars in social development and so on. This allowed him to continue to explore specific issues of modern society and the war, including more details refer to the problem of a world without war and the issue of the conditions for peaceful development.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14543
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