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Название: Причини виникнення війн в історії людства: різноманіття підходів
Другие названия: Причины возникновения войн в истории человечества: многообразие подходов
Causes war s in human history: the diversity of approaches
Авторы: Требін, М.П.
Ключевые слова: війна
збройна боротьба
вооруженная борьба
armed struggle
Дата публикации: 2015
Библиографическое описание: Требін М. П. Причини виникнення війн в історії людства: різноманіття підходів /М. П. Требін // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія. – Харків, 2015. – № 4. – С. 148–178.
Аннотация: Війни були, є і, швидше за все, будуть невід’ємним атрибутом цивілізації, як бими від них не хотіли позбутися. Проблеми війни отримали всебічну й ґрунтовну наукову розробку в історії людської цивілізації. Зусиллями багатьох мислителів, починаючи з давніх часів і до сьогодення, були виявлені, описані й обґрунтовані сутнісні ознаки війни, її закони, мінливі зміст і форми, у тому числі і причини виникнення війн в історії людства. У статті розглядаються різні підходи до пояснення причин війн: психологічний, соціологічний, неопозитивістський, натуралістичний, релігійний і плюралістичний.
Войны были, есть и, скорее всего, будут неотъемлемым атрибутом цивилизации, как бы мы от них не хотели избавиться. Проблемы войны получили всестороннюю и фундаментальную разработку в истории человеческой цивилизации. Усилиями многих мыслителей, начиная с древних времен и до настоящего времени были обнаружены, описаны и обоснованы сущностные признаки войны, ее законы, меняющиеся содержание и формы, в том числе и причины возникновения войн в истории человечества. В статье рассматриваются различные подходы к объяснению причин войн: психологический, социологический, неопозитивистский, натуралистический, религиозный и плюралистический.
Описание: Wars have been and are likely to be an inherent part of civilization, as we would not want them to get rid of. Problems of War received the full and fundamental developments in the history of human civilization. Through the efforts of many thinkers since ancient times to the present day it has been discovered, described and justified by the essential signs of the war, its laws, changing the content and form, including the causes of wars in human history. The article examines different approaches to explaining the causes of war: psychological, sociological, newpositivism, naturalistic, religious and pluralistic. The psychological approach to the doctrine of causality Wars is one of the oldest. Native impulses rise to wars proponents of this approach see in the human psyche. Many of why it has made the doctrine of becoming Sigmund Freud, who came from the fact that the causes of war lie in the human psyche, where the war between two principles – Eros and Thanatos, that sexual attraction and desire for death. In a later statement of his theory of instincts, Freud interpreted as aggression out fundamental desire for death and came to the conclusion that war should be understood as an attempt of psychological self-preservation of the people, as a way out of destructive craving for self-destruction, the transfer of drive from his own «I» or from your people in other nations. The sociological approach is characterized by the diversity of different schools. One of the brightest representatives of this approach was a prominent French philosopher and sociologist Raymond Aron. In the book «Peace and war among nations», he outlined his vision of the concept of war. According to the views Aron: «War – a specific social phenomenon that emerged probably in a specific moment in human history: they mean the organization of violence communities that oppose one another». In the 1970’s great popularity in the world acquired theory Canadian sociologist Herbert Marshall McLuhan, described in his book «War and Peace in the global village». By its concept built on some absolute role of communication in public life. He argued that civilization – is to have a war. Means of communication, first oral, then written, printed, electrical and electronic, they say, have defined and appropriate era and civilization. The war also acted as a means of intertribal and then international «contact». She says McLuhan – the natural state in which a person, tribe, people are establishing their identity means. On the advantage of a state social system in the technology of material production as the cause and even military means of struggle that can «win the war without war», pointed out in his book «Strategy and technology» the US military publicists and S. Possoni. J. Pernell. Quite an interesting vision of Representatives proposed structural and functional analysis. Its creators portray society as a system of interacting elements, among which are «functional», contributing to its normal activity, and harmful, «dysfunctional» actions are destroying this social structure. It is portrayed as a war requires the existence of social structures. Newpositivism presented, first of all, the concept of «political realism» and scientific and mathematical analysis. Founder and patriarch of «political realism» is the most prominent American theoretician of international relations, Hans Morgenthau. His main work is the book «Politics among nations. The struggle for power and the world». According to the teachings Morgenthau, policy advocates very special sphere of social relations that is not linked to the economy, morality and other elements of civil structures; the essence of politics is the struggle for power and might. The roots of the war as a social phenomenon lie in a sober mental calculation: if this particular situation war can bring success, it should begin – if not, should be avoided. Theory of scientific and mathematical analysis seeks to explain the different kinds of wars mathematical laws express them in appropriate formulas. This applies mathematical game theory and conflict situations. Naturalistic approach presented psychobiological and geopolitical theories. Biological causes wars teaching associate not with individual human psychology, and above all biological laws and the needs of the human race. Prominent among biological theories won the so-called ethological theory. Religious approach sees primarily the reason that God made a mistake, not subjugating man completely and giving it the relative free will. Captured ambition and aspirations of various people «rebel against God», the consequence is the war. Pluralistic approach defends the idea of multiplicity causes of war. Along with the described concepts of civilization future in the era of globalization, there are a number of other concepts that focus on other points in the development of society and distinguish, accordingly, its other «hot spots».
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