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Назва: Метод деконструкции в наррации и интерпретации права
Інші назви: Метод деконструкції у нарації та інтерпретації права
The method of deconstruction in the narration and interpretation of law
Автори: Мелякова, Ю.В.
Ключові слова: нарративный дискурс
динамизм права
телесность права
информационно-коммуникативное пространство
наративний дискурс
динамізм права
тілесність права
інформаційно-комунікативний простір
narrative discourse
dynamism of law
corporality of law
information communication space
Дата публікації: 2017
Бібліографічний опис: Мелякова Ю. В. Метод деконструкции в наррации и интерпретации права / Ю. В. Мелякова // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія. – Харків, 2017. – Т. 1, № 32. – С. 85–92.
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті обґрунтовується доцільність методологічного відходу від дедуктивно-номологічного оповідання й пояснення права у бік трансгресії правових смислів та формування метаправового простору через наративний дискурс. Отримує теоретичне обґрунтування необхідність розповсюдження принципів деконструкції, постструктуралізму і сінергетики на правову реальність з метою узгодження способів буття позитивного права й хаотичного інформаційного простору постмодерну.
В статье обосновывается целесообразность отхода от дедуктивно-номологического повествования и объяснения права в сторону трансгрессии правовых смыслов и формирования метаправового пространства через нарративный дискурс. Теоретически обосновывается необходимость распространения принципов деконструкции, постструктурализма и синергетики на правовую реальность в целях согласованности способов бытия позитивного права и хаотичного информационного пространства постмодерна.
Опис: The research is the philosophical and legal nature, are performed within the scope of the ontological hermeneutics within a philosophical paradigm of postmodernism and legal intersubjectivity. This is theoretical justification for the deconstruction of legal metatext. The method of deconstruction ranges positivist canons of law storytelling and opens up new possibilities of understanding law. Integration, transcommunicative processes that occur in the world today, require a legal assessment and interpretation, and simultaneously convert the modern law. The law has to be exercised on the principles of intersubjectivity, self-regulation, discursively and openness. In domestic society, the law has still not acquired the status of an absolute criterion of fairness and priority among other social regulators. Existing systems and mechanisms for the application of the law still remain in the captivity of legal positivism and administrative dependence. General post-non-classical tendencies in science and culture make the isolation of law from the new methodology is impossible. The law must take its place in politicni reality. Today, the reality is assessed as virtualized communication, understanding and representation. Legal reality is presented as a space of open discourse on many subjects, sources, texts, characters, eras and situations. Legal narrative deliberately departs from a deterministic narrative, conceptualization and stereotypes. Legal justice finds himself not in the verdict of justice, and transitive discourse. Philosophy of law does not seek to conclude this discourse, but seeks to extend it as long as possible and to attract many participants as possible. Deconstruction provides an endless transition from one legal meaning to another. This is a productive process of constructing the entity of the law. Living law ends at the time of announcement of the court verdict. The sentence is irreversible. It is the end of discourse and the legal meaning of a particular situation. There is a new way of law: the law is not a limitation, and the law is opportunity. Thus, the success and efficiency of understanding and application of law increasingly depend on the breadth of the horizon of interpretation of the legal field. The newest of socio-humanitarian and semiotic trends in the transformation of linguistic tropes from narrative to discourse is much influenced by the semantics and hermeneutics of law. The tropology is a tool of analysis and understanding of the facts, images, concepts and relationships between them, which serve as signs of reality. The reality represented in the narrative. At the same time, a tropology of legal text there is a methodology of understanding the legal situation and the logic of legal justice in the context of legal narratives. The technology of understanding in the communicative reality of law is precisely the discourse. It also guarantees legal justice on provided an independent contract. A new rationality lies in the technology of interpretation of the events. This multilateral discourse technology of interested and disinterested persons. Recorded formally the conflict of arguments and points of view constitutes an open and dynamic metanarrativ, productive concerning meanings. The mechanism of formation metalaw space through narrative discourse is a step towards liberalization and flexibility of law. The reactive dynamics of modern socio-law reality finds a good reflection in semiotics intertextual constructions. The legal hermeneutics deals with the problem of informal interpretation of the law in all its forms of existence: the texts, norms, legal situations, court cases, legal traditions, legal consciousness, and legal precedents. Hermeneutic interpretation of the law has no clear methods and techniques. It is based only on conventional principles. These principles include: subjectivity, autonomy, openness, concreteness, pragmatism, communication skills, pluralism, argumentativeness, communicative rationality. The reality of the law is known today as communication. The validity of the law consists in creation of productive discourse. This the discourse appealing to the aggravation of existing social antagonism and its settlement by the way of optimal consensus achievement. The justice is always the goal of legal discourse but its ethic and legal meanings are changeable. In legal reality, the verdict of justice stops the discourse of justice, and with it the emergence of the semantic field. However, the legal situation continues to evolve. Events, information, and opinions of the subjects, their value, evaluating the significance of finally legal reality and the laws themselves are not standing still. Have a thorough study of the relationship between the mode of completion of the narrative and the possibilities of the formation of meaning in it. In this study the expediency of departing from deductive-nomological narration and explanation of law toward transgression of legal meanings was substantiated and formation of metalegal space via narrative discourse. Theoretical substantiation of the need to extend applicability of the principles of deconstruction, post-structuralism and synergy onto legal reality to bring into accord the methods of existence of positive law and chaotic postmodern information space was given. There is a reassessment of the basic foundations and principles of interpretation of law, the position of postmodern philosophy. The author comprehends the use of technology intertextual narrative in a legal text. Based on the principle of Jacques Derrida: the world as text. Through deconstruction of legal metatext becomes possible semantic dynamics of the legal field. It is an adaptation of law to changing and creative contemporary reality.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://fil.nlu.edu.ua/article/view/101695/97236
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