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Название: Діалектична єдність інформаційних прав та інформаційної свободи: до усвідомлення проблеми
Другие названия: Диалектическое единство информационных прав и информационной свободы: к осознанию проблемы
Dialectical unity of informational rights and informational freedom: to realization of problem
Авторы: Данильян, О.Г.
Дзьобань, О.П.
Ключевые слова: свобода
інформаційне суспільство
інформаційні права
інформаційна свобода
информационное общество
информационные права
информационная свобода
informative society
informative society
informative freedom
Дата публикации: 2017
Библиографическое описание: Данильян О. Г. Діалектична єдність інформаційних прав та інформаційної свободи: до усвідомлення проблеми / О. Г. Данильян, О. П. Дзьобань // Вісник Національного університету "Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого". Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія. – Харків, 2017. – Т. 1, № 32. – С. 5–15.
Аннотация: У статті обґрунтовується, що гарантії прав і свобод людини щодо інформаційної сфери належать до найважливіших засад формування правової держави та громадянського суспільства. Показано, що право є засобом, який за допомогою спеціальних правових методів дозволяє реалізувати інформаційну свободу людини. Будучи породженням і результатом природного розвитку всього суспільства, право повинно враховувати інтереси як усього суспільства, так і індивіда. Право надає людині низку можливостей, скористувавшись якими вона зможе реалізувати притаманну їй інформаційну свободу.
В статье обосновывается, что гарантии прав и свобод человека касательно информационной сферы относятся к числу важнейших принципов формирования правового государства и гражданского общества. Показано, что право является средством, позволяющим с помощью специальных правовых методов реализовать информационную свободу человека. Будучи порождением и результатом естественного развития всего общества, право должно учитывать интересы как всего общества, так и индивида. Право дает человеку ряд возможностей, воспользовавшись которыми она сможет реализовать присущую ей информационную свободу.
Описание: In the article grounded, that the guarantees of rights and freedoms of man in relation to an informative sphere belong to major principles of forming of the legal state and civil society. These rights are included to the effective mechanism of state administration in democratic society. It determines providing of protection of rights and freedoms of man in an informative sphere one of major aims of informative safety, and man - by the most important her object. The effective providing of rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens can be a due only at terms, when structure, the forms of activity, style of labor, attitude toward a man will be optimal in the plan of feeling and rapid reacting on any negative moments that restrain in that or other case practical realization of rights and freedoms, and also legal interests of members of society. It is shown that rights and freedoms of man and citizen were a basic slogan and most achievement of any known revolutions and wars. Close intercommunication of information, freedom, justice and right is educed a long ago, not by chance as early as VIII B.C. there were norms that regulated informative activity of man. In connection with development of society on the basis of technical progress there was intensive development of sphere of informative activity of man. Techno genic development entailed formation of new type of society - informative that entailed the selection of the special type of freedom of man - informative freedom and special class of rights - informative. Grounded, that an exceptional role informative freedom is played by informative human rights. Setting interdependence of the proper and possible behavior, unity and equality of mutual rights and duties, right, outlining the limits of freedom, comes forward as positive existence of freedom, that eliminates an arbitrariness, self-will, oppression of personality. It is shown that a right is means that by means of the special legal methods allows to realize informative freedom of man. Being a generation and result of natural development of all society, a right must take into account interests of both all society and individual. A right gives the row of possibilities to the man, taking advantage of that she will be able to realize inherent to her informative freedom. Informative human rights consist of different complex of norms, that differ in the legal force, territory of action, by normativeness and others like that. Attention is accented on that informative rights regulate informative processes in spheres, that is not well-regulated other rights that regulate information. Informative rights are organically included in the structure of other rights and freedoms, put in order informative processes. But at the use of all rights that behave to the questions of informing of man, it is necessary, foremost, to be oriented on principles of informative freedom of man, that occupies a main place and sets principles of exercising right, that behave to the informative processes. It is marked that as informative freedom predetermines totality of certain possibilities of absolute law, informative rights, then exactly about informative freedom it follows to conduct speech in modern society, from positions of informative freedom it follows to study and interpret informative human rights In an informative right a decision accent is done on information, thus regardless of who owns her, produces, translates and others like that. At research of informative freedom of man confesses that key functions belong to exactly freedom, but not information, although information and is the constituent of informative freedom. It is shown that informative freedom limits the activity sent to keeping order; in some cases of state secret; information about an ecological situation. It allows at the level of the state to conduct limitation of informative freedom in a greater degree, than it is assumed in accordance with Convention about the protection of human rights and basic freedoms. A thesis is grounded, that realization of informative freedom is built not only by introduction of restrictive measures. Important is a guard function right, assuredness of defense of informative freedom, thus both self-defense and guard of informative freedom by means of the state.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vnyua_2017_1_3
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові статті кафедри філософії

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