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Title: Міжнародні виборчі стандарти, їх реалізація у виборчому законодавстві України
Other Titles: Международные избирательные стандарты, их реализация в избирательном законодательстве Украины
International electoral standards and their implementation in the electoral legislation of Ukraine
Authors: Стешенко, Т.В.
Keywords: виборче законодавство
міжнародні виборчі стандарти
правова природа міжнародних виборчих стандартів
избирательное законодательство
международные избирательные стандарты
правовая природа международных избирательных стандартов
electoral law
international electoral standards
legal nature of international electoral standards
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: видавництво "Право"
Citation: Стешенко Т. В. Міжнародні виборчі стандарти, їх реалізація у виборчому законодавстві України / Т. В. Стешенко, Л. С. Стешенко // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2015. – Вип. 29. – С. 32–42.
Abstract: У статті розглянута ступень імплементації міжнародно-правових стандартів демократичних виборів. Визначено, що виборче законодавство України не в повній мірі узгоджено з міжнародними виборчими стандартами, у зв'язку з чим виникає велика кількість проблемних питань, пов’язаних з практикою застосування виборчого законодавства України.
В статье рассмотрена степень имплементации международно-правовых стандартов демократических выборов. Определено, что избирательное законодательство Украины не в полной мере согласовано с международными избирательными стандартами, в связи с чем возникает большое количество проблемных вопросов, связанных с практикой применения избирательного законодательства Украины.
Description: The article explores the degree of implementation of the international legal standards of democratic elections. It has been determined that the electoral legislation of Ukraine is not fully co-ordinated with international electoral standards; in this connection there is a large number of problem issues related to the practice of application of the electoral legislation of Ukraine. The issues of international electoral standards and their implementation in the electoral legislation and practice of holding elections in Ukraine have attracted attention among scientists, learders of public authorities, members of electoral commissions and the public recently. The nature of international electoral standards has not fully been investigated nowadays. The international standards of democratic elections have attracted attention for a long time not only because of content, but also because of ambiguous legal nature. On the one hand, the rules of international law, which take the forms of general principles, fundamental principles of democratic elections belong to the international standarts, on the other hand, the level of international electoral standards is presented by acts of international organizations, which are not binding or which have political nature also belongs to international standarts. The observance of international standards of democratic elections is the subject of attention of international electoral missions. The most authoritative mission is led by the OSCE. One of the obligatory section of reports of Mission OSCE is to analyze the legislation of the appropriate State according to its compliance with generally accepted international standards. Currently, the development of national electoral legislation and holding of elections are impossible without taking into account the principles and rules of international law embodied in the documents of above mentioned organization and also the European Commission for Democracy through the law of the Council of Europe (Venice Commission). Nowadays, Ukraine has made significant progress in the realization of European standards of democratic elections by implementing the relevant rules in domestic electoral legislation, although there are grounds to state about the incompleteness of this process. Elections are a key element of democracy, that is why for Ukraine's accession to the European community of democratic states harmonization of the Ukrainian electoral legislation and electoral practices in compliance with European standards is of great importance.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри державного будівництва

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