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Название: Some problems of establishing psychological contact during examination of a suspect
Авторы: Shevchuk, Viktor
Martynenko, Karina
Ключевые слова: psychological contact
examination of a suspect
interrogation of the suspect
психологічний контакт
експертиза підозрюваного
Дата публикации: 2020
Библиографическое описание: Shevchuk V. Some problems of establishing psychological contact during examination of a suspect / V. Shevchuk, K. Martynenko // ΛΌГOΣ. Vol. 2. Tendances scientifiques de la recherche fondamentale et appliquée : sur les matériaux de la conférence scientifique et pratique internationale, 30 octobre, 2020. Strasbourg, République Française, 2020. – P. 75–81. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/30.10.2020.v2.22
Аннотация: Some problems of establishing psychological contact during the interrogation of the suspect are considered, it is suggested to take into account tactics taking into account the situations of this investigative action. Psychological contact is a necessary prerequisite for the main task - to establish the objective truth in each criminal case. If the investigator does not have the ability to establish emotional contact with the suspect, then there are some doubts about his professional training and suitability to perform his functional duties successfully and properly. The problem of inability to establish psychological contact is the lack of necessary information about the identity of the suspect. In such cases, an analysis of the available data on the suspect is essential. Perspective directions of criminalistical researches in this sphere of knowledge are considered.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18177
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові статті кафедри криміналістики

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