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Title: About the concept of criminal organization
Authors: Orlovskyi, Ruslan
Keywords: criminal organization
criminal society
criminal participation
преступные организации
уголовная ответственность
преступное сообщество
организованная преступность
борьба с организованной преступностью
злочинні організації
кримінальна відповідальність
злочинне співтовариство
організована злочинність
боротьба з організованою злочинністю
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Orlovskyi R. About the concept of criminal organization / Ruslan Orlovskyi // Fundamental and Applied Studies in EU and CIS Countries : Proceedings of the VI International Academic Congress (United Kingdom, Cambridge, England, 24–26 May 2016). – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. – Vol. 6. – P. 448–453.
Abstract: Activity of criminal organizations, being widespread enough, creates an extraordinarily near-accident law enforcement authorities of many countries ran into that. A fight with different displays of the organized crime causes the necessity of combining effort of world community, including in science of criminal law. A research aim consists of realization of analysis of concept and signs of criminal organization as the most dangerous form of participation, that it is necessary not only for constructing of institute of participation on the whole but also for establishment of criminal responsibility for creation of criminal organization or confession of different forms of participation by the characterizing signs of separate compositions of crimes.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри кримінального права № 1

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