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dc.contributor.authorЧуприна, Ю.А.-
dc.identifier.citationЧуприна Ю. А. Розвиток законодавства України щодо санітарної охорони вод у ХХ ст. / Ю. А. Чуприна // Проблеми законності : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2015. – Вип. 129. – С.
dc.descriptionProblem Setting. The article investigates the formation in Ukraine of legal regulation of the state sanitary control of water, the process of creating of general and special jurisdiction for its implementation, as well as the regulation regime, methods and tools for health protection of waters of different categories. The relevance of this article due to the need to systematize the individual areas of water law, including the protection of water and sanitation of the twentieth century. Analysis of the recent researches and publications. The article devoted to the study of formation in Ukraine of legal regulation of the state sanitary control of water, the process of creating of general and special jurisdiction for its implementation, as well as the regulation regime, methods and tools for health protection of waters of different categories. Paper objective. The relevance of this article due to the need to identify viable methods and instruments of legal regulation of sanitary protection of water during the formation of the main areas of water legislation of Ukraine in the twentieth century. Terms used in the legal protection of water, sanitary water use rules, the bodies of sanitary supervision, the state sanitary inspection. Conclusions. Research in the field of water legislation, and therefore the individual concerned and its protection issues, many scientists were engaged as ecologists and environmentalists. However, the special historical and legal work in a range twentieth century. no. This gap makes it difficult to analyze the current state of affairs in the field of sanitary protection of water. Detection of historical stages of development of water legislation in this area, identifying the main patterns and dynamics of legal regulation of sanitary protection of water in specific historical circumstances will improve the current regime of water protection. The author analyzes the main laws and regulations in the field of materials of sanitary protection of water and related industries on the basis of the research the author came to the conclusion that the development of the Ukrainian legislation on health protection of water resources in the twentieth century has reflected all the deep transformation in our country: the proclamation of the Ukrainian People's Republic 1918 new attitude to water and other natural resources, as enshrined in the USSR the priority of social forms of ownership of water resources, based on which was built the system of government in this area with strict planning principle and the cost of administrative-command nature of power. After independence, the Ukrainian state was able to synthesize the design achievements of the historical development and lay the foundation of modern laws on sanitary protection of water resources in the context of
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена дослідженню становлення в Україні правового регулювання санітарного контролю за станом вод, процесу створення органів загальної та спеціальної компетенції для його здійснення, а також регламентації режиму, методів і засобів санітарної охорони вод різних категорій.uk
dc.description.abstractСтатья посвящена исследованию становления в Украине правового регулирования санитарного контроля за состоянием вод, процесса создания органов общей и специальной компетенции для его осуществления, а также регламентации режима, методов и средств санитарной охраны вод различных категорий.-
dc.publisherНаціональний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрогоuk
dc.subjectправова охорона водuk
dc.subjectсанітарні правила водокористуванняuk
dc.subjectоргани санітарного наглядуuk
dc.subjectдержавна санітарна інспекціяuk
dc.subjectправовая охрана водuk
dc.subjectсанитарные правила водопользованияuk
dc.subjectорганы санитарного контроляuk
dc.subjectсанитарная охрана водuk
dc.subjectгосударственная санитарная инспекцияuk
dc.subjectlegal water protectionuk
dc.subjectpurity of water protectionuk
dc.subjectsanitary regulations of water useuk
dc.subjecttreatment facilitiesuk
dc.subjectsanitary inspectionuk
dc.subjectstate (national) sanitary inspectionuk
dc.titleРозвиток законодавства України щодо санітарної охорони вод у ХХ ст.uk
dc.title.alternativeРазвитие законодательства Украины о санитарной охране вод в ХХ в.uk
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Ukrainian legislation on sanitary protection of water resources in the XX centuryuk
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри історії держави і права України та зарубіжних країн

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