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dc.contributor.authorІсаєв, А.М.-
dc.identifier.citationІсаєв А. М. Права та обов'язки дарувальника за Цивільним кодексом України / А. М. Ісаєв // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2013. – Вип. 26. – С. 150–158.en_US
dc.descriptionIn this article author provides a systematic analysis of the legal rules of the Civil Code, which providing the rights and duties of the donator. The certain rights of the donator were considered as well as his duties, depending on the type of donation contract, and legal consequences of their failure. According to a definition of the donation contract, the donator has a duty to transfer the gift to the donee. The key legal duty of donator is the duty of transferring the gift . Fulfillment of this duty is carried out by transferring the gift, if possible (this applies to movable things), or the transfer of documents confirming ownership of the thing or other documents proving ownership of the gift. While speaking about the rights of donator, it should be noted that after the donation contract concluded, but not completely fulfilled, the donator has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally. This right is given to the donator by part 1 of article 724 CC of Ukraine. Implementation of this right is possible with the following conditions: after the donation contract concluded donators financial position has deteriorated significantly. In case of a donation contract with the duty of donee in favor of a third person the donator shall be entitled to require the donee perform such duty. If the donee violates his duty to a third person, the donator is entitled to demand cancellation of the contract and return the gift, and in case of failure to return - refund. Civil Code of Ukraine, also, provides the right of donator to withdraw from the donation contract in case of he gave the gift to a transportation company or other person, for transferring the gift to the donee, with condition that the gift has not been adopted. In conclusion it should be noted that the changes in the approach of the legislator to the legal characteristics of the donation contract as a whole, led to a change in the legal status of the parties of the contract, including donator. However, with overall positive trend in the legal regulation of the proposed segment of the CC of Ukraine, there are issues which requiring further research and correction.en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статті проведено системний аналіз правових норм Цивільного кодексу України, що передбачають права та обов’язки дарувальника. Розглянуто окремі права дарувальника, його обов’язки залежно від виду договору дарування та правові наслідки їх невиконання.en_US
dc.description.abstractВ статье проведен системный анализ правовых норм Гражданского кодекса Украины, предусматривающих права и обязанности дарителя. Рассмотрены отдельные права дарителя, его обязанности в зависимости от вида договора дарения и правовые последствия их неисполнения.-
dc.subjectправа дарувальникаen_US
dc.subjectобов’язки дарувальникаen_US
dc.subjectправові наслідки порушення договору даруванняen_US
dc.subjectправа дарителяen_US
dc.subjectобязанности дарителяen_US
dc.subjectправовые последствия нарушения договора даренияen_US
dc.subjectrights of donatoren_US
dc.subjectduties of donatoren_US
dc.subjectlegal consequences of a breach of donation contracten_US
dc.titleПрава та обов'язки дарувальника за Цивільним кодексом Україниen_US
dc.title.alternativeПрава и обязанности дарителя в Гражданском кодексе Украиныen_US
dc.title.alternativeRights and duties of donator in the Civil code of Ukraineen_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри цивільного права № 1

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