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dc.contributor.authorВеличко, В.О.-
dc.identifier.citationВеличко В. О. Децентралізація влади: міжнародний досвід / В. О. Величко // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2014. – Вип. 28. – С. 12–22.en_US
dc.descriptionAnalyzes the problems of decentralization of power in Ukraine, and the problem of reforming the local government, and is also considered international experience in this field. The problem of decentralization of power today is extremely important, especially for Ukraine, given the situation in our country. The concept of decentralization is mentioned in the Constitution of Ukraine, st.132, which states that the territorial structure of Ukraine is based on the principles of unity and territorial integrity, combination of centralization and decentralization of state power. Decentralization of power in Ukraine is currently a priority for the new rulers of our country. This decentralization issues for a long time is in the field of scientists, despite the successful experience of its implementation in the European Union. Local self-government is one of the fundamental principles of modern democratic system, the embodiment of people’s power in a specific manner and at the appropriate level. It provides for an independent address local issues in the public interest subdivision by law. At the same time, local government – a form of public authority, which is implemented by specific actors – local communities and formed by them, has a special facility – local issues and is based on a specific type of property – local (municipal) property. The above essential features characterize the specific nature of local government and determine its specific place in the public power of the state. Please remember that political centralization for democracy is dangerous because under such circumstances the activities of all government in society depends solely on the will of the state, and all government institutions in the country – subordinate. Instead, democratic state tries to involve the public in the exercise of public functions in order to better meet the comprehensive needs of modern man. Within the democratic system is considered, and, in our opinion, quite rightly, that local issues appropriately and efficiently solve not through the center of government officials who work in the field, and especially by supporting and revitalizing communities. The value of local government is that, as the level of public authorities, closest to man, and therefore the best conversant with the daily challenges of life residents of local communities, it can best provide the population with a wide range of public services: social, domestic, commercial, cultural, education and others. Therefore, decentralization of power today is an urgent problem that needs to be resolved through research, analysis and use (including national traditions of local authorities) experience of developed system of local government.en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статті аналізуються проблеми децентралізації влади в Україні та проблеми реформування місцевого самоврядування, а також розглядається міжнародний досвід у цій сфері.en_US
dc.description.abstractАнализируются проблемы децентрализации власти в Украине и проблемы реформирования местного самоуправления, а также рассматривается международный опыт в этой сфере.-
dc.subjectдецентралізація владиen_US
dc.subjectгілки владиen_US
dc.subjectрозподіл владиen_US
dc.subjectмісцеве самоврядуванняen_US
dc.subjectмісцевий референдумen_US
dc.subjectдецентрализация властиen_US
dc.subjectдецентрализация управленияen_US
dc.subjectцентрализация властиen_US
dc.subjectветви властиen_US
dc.subjectразделение властейen_US
dc.subjectразделение властей в государствах Европейского Союзаen_US
dc.subjectразделение властей в зарубежных государствахen_US
dc.subjectместное самоуправлениеen_US
dc.subjectместное самоуправление в зарубежных странахen_US
dc.subjectместное самоуправление в Украинеen_US
dc.subjectместные референдумыen_US
dc.subjectdecentralization of poweren_US
dc.subjectdivision of powersen_US
dc.subjectlocal governmenten_US
dc.subjectlocal referendumen_US
dc.titleДецентралізація влади: міжнародний досвідen_US
dc.title.alternativeДецентрализация власти: международный опытen_US
dc.title.alternativeDecentralization of power: the international experienceen_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри державного будівництва

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