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dc.contributor.authorПономарьова, Г.П.-
dc.identifier.citationПономарьова Г. П. Досвід застосування пропорційної виборчої системи на виборах народних депутатів України 2006 р. / Г. П. Пономарьова // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2014. – Вип. 28. – С. 33–45.en_US
dc.descriptionThe issue of the new law for the election of the next Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was open almost immediately after the election campaign in 2002. Changing the electoral system has become a question of particular relevance in the context of political reform. The purpose of the article is to analyze the specific historical circumstances and reasons for the implementation of the proportional system for elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2006, conditions and consequences of the application, the results of the parliamentary elections. The following transition to proportional representation, which was provided by the Law «About Elections of People’s Deputies of Ukraine» dated March 25, 2004, p. 3 of Final and transitional provisions of the Law «About Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine» from December 8, 2004, fully consistent in the purpose of gradual improvement of the parliamentary electoral system in Ukraine, because this system is more acceptable and democratic than majoritarianproportional one at the national level. This transformation of the electoral system was due to, in particular, and political issue to change the form of government in Ukraine, which was raised by some political forces. Also, the European experience was taken into account, because the greatest development of proportional electoral system was gained in continental Europe. Elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2006 were based on a proportional system in multi-mandate district with single national parties lists, which are rigid: a voter can not affect the location of the candidates in the lists. Protective barrier was set at 3%. In parliament passed, breaking the barrier, 5 political forces: the Party of Regions (186 mandates), «The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc» (129 mandates), the block «Our Ukraine» (81 mandates), the Socialist Party of Ukraine (33 mandates) and the Communist Party Ukraine (21 mandates); as a result 11 political parties worked in the parliament. Using of rigid party lists became an object for serious criticism. After the elections in 2006 the quality composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine caused a lot of criticism as had never before. In particular, unknown for voters guards, lawyers, managers, drivers, press secretaries and a loyal allies of those who have had an impact on the party lists of candidates became the people’s deputies. So the important question is the introduction of the possibility to choose particular representatives in the political parties’ lists of candidates. Political crisis in Ukraine in 2007 can not be considered a direct consequence of the proportional electoral system. The causes of these events are the features of political life in Ukraine, including low political culture of political parties, their leaders, established political opposition and conflicts. The first proportional elections and subsequent political events intensified the debate around the issue of the parliamentary electoral system with renewed vigor. The diversity of points of view, the prevalence of discussions around this issue generates many varied proposals to change the applicable type and version of the electoral system.en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуто історичний досвід запровадження пропорційної виборчої системи для обрання народних депутатів України, зокрема, проаналізовано розглядувані проекти законів про вибори народних депутатів, пропоновані ними види й конкретні моделі парламентських виборчих систем, оцінено їх правову й політичну аргументацію, висвітлено досвід і результати виборів до Верховної Ради України 2006 року.en_US
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассмотрен исторический опыт введения пропорциональной избирательной системы для выборов народных депутатов Украины, в частности, проанализированы проекты законов про выборы народных депутатов Украины, которые рассматривались Верховной Радой Украины, предлагаемые ими виды и конкретные модели парламентских избирательных систем, оценены их правовая и политическая аргументация, раскрываются опыт и результаты выборов в Верховную Раду Украины 2006 года.-
dc.subjectвибори народних депутатів Україниen_US
dc.subjectпропорційна виборча системаen_US
dc.subjectзагороджувальний бар’єрen_US
dc.subjectзаградительный барьерen_US
dc.subjectвыборы в Верховную Раду Украиныen_US
dc.subjectвыборы в парламент (парламентские выборы)en_US
dc.subjectвыборы в Украинеen_US
dc.subjectвыборы народных депутатов Украины (2006)en_US
dc.subjectпропорциональная избирательная системаen_US
dc.subjectпропорциональная системаen_US
dc.subjectпропорциональные выборыen_US
dc.subjectelections of people’s deputies of Ukraineen_US
dc.subjectproportional electoral systemen_US
dc.subjectprotective barrieren_US
dc.titleДосвід застосування пропорційної виборчої системи на виборах народних депутатів України 2006 р.en_US
dc.title.alternativeОпыт применения пропорциональной избирательной системы на выборах народных депутатов Украины 2006 г.en_US
dc.title.alternativeExperience of using proportional electoral system on elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine in 2006en_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри історії держави і права України та зарубіжних країн

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