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dc.contributor.authorСмородинський, В.С.-
dc.identifier.citationСмородинський В. С. Роль держави у правовому регулюванні / В. С. Смородинський // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2013. – Вип. 25. – С. 17–28.en_US
dc.descriptionThe article is a theoretical introduction of a place and a state role in legal regulation of social relations in scientific research. The issues of forms, ways, types and methods of state and legal regulation are highlighted in it, its special regimes are defined, the problems of ensuring its efficiency by the state are considered. The specific feature of legal regulation following from essence of the regulator itself – Law, is its security by the state. The state sets majority of rules of the game in this sphere at the levels of law-making and enforcement of law. It stipulates singling out the notion of «state and legal regulation of the social relations». Its subjects are such social relations, which ordering is possible and at the same time expedient just through legal means. It becomes inefficient, useless and even harmful outside these borders. Delimitation is necessary for the prevention of a total state regulation of public life and state intervention in private life of members of society. The main ways of state and legal regulation are the permission, holding liable and a ban. The permission can be general which form of expression is law recognition, or special which form of expression is permission. The main types of state and legal regulation are generally permissible and specially permissible, or allowable ones. The first of them based on connection of recognition of the subjective law by the state with setting special restrictions (exceptions) by means of a legal ban, is reflection of the classical principle «all is authorized, besides, that is directly forbidden by rules of law». The second type based on connection of general legal ban with special permission, is reflection of the principle «all is forbidden, besides, that is directly authorized by rules of law». The main methods of state and legal regulation are dispositive and imperative ones. The legal regime is a special order of state and legal regulation of a certain sphere of social relations which is provided with specific connection and a ratio of its elements. Depending on combinations of domination of some of them over others it can be tough or mild, stimulating or limiting behavior of subjects. Productivity and social importance of state and legal regulation are determined by its efficiency – ability to lead to the greatest possible positive results owing to reasonable, wise and expedient expenses and restrictions. It is expected as a ratio between real results of regulation and its purposes or as the relation of social result of regulation (level of orderliness of the corresponding social relations) to the expenses and efforts directed on its achievement. The most important result of efficiency of state and legal regulation is fair ordering of the relations between subjects taking into account the rights and interests of other members of society. That is exactly the task of law as the social regulator that answers the classical purposes of the state foundation – ensuring legal order and the rights of members of society.en_US
dc.description.abstractСтаття є теоретичним вступом до ретельного наукового дослідження місця та ролі держави у правовому регулюванні суспільних відносин. У ній висвітлені питання видів, способів, типів і методів державно-правового регулювання, визначені його спеціальні режими, розглянуті проблеми забезпечення його ефективності державою.en_US
dc.description.abstractСтатья является теоретическим введением в обстоятельное научное исследование места и роли государства в правовом регулировании общественных отношений. В ней освещены вопросы видов, способов, типов и методов государственно-правового регулирования, определены его специальные режимы, рассмотрены проблемы обеспечения его эффективности государством.-
dc.publisherвидавництво "Право"en_US
dc.subjectдержавно-правове регулюванняen_US
dc.subjectдиспозитивний та імперативний методиen_US
dc.subjectправовий режимen_US
dc.subjectефективність правового регулюванняen_US
dc.subjectгосударственно-правовое регулированиеen_US
dc.subjectдиспозитивный и императивный методыen_US
dc.subjectправовой режимen_US
dc.subjectэффективность правового регулированияen_US
dc.subjectstate-legal regulationen_US
dc.subjectdispositive and imperative dispositive methodsen_US
dc.subjectlegal regimeen_US
dc.subjecteffectiveness of the legal regulationen_US
dc.titleРоль держави у правовому регулюванніen_US
dc.title.alternativeРоль государства в правовом регулированииen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe role of a state in the legal regulationen_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри теорії держави і права

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