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dc.contributor.authorAvdeeva, G.en
dc.identifier.citationAvdeeva G. Specificity of Working with Digital Documents / G. Avdeeva // Texbook of Criminalistics. – Vilnius-Kharkiv, 2023. – Vol. 2: Criminalistic Technique and Tactics / ed.: H. Malevski, V. Shepitko. – Р. 314–319.en
dc.description.abstractThe characteristics of an electronic document are given, and its individual types are highlighted. The features of electronic documents and the essence of electronic signatures are studied, recommendations are given for working with electronic documents during investigative actions and establishing their authenticity.en
dc.publisherНЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрогоuk_UA
dc.subjectелектронний документuk_UA
dc.subjectелектронний пристрійuk_UA
dc.subjectелектронний підписuk_UA
dc.subjectelectronic documenten
dc.subjectelectronic deviceen
dc.subjectelectronic signatureen
dc.titleSpecificity of Working with Digital Documentsen
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті НДІ ВПЗ

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