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dc.contributor.authorPetryshyn, O.O.en
dc.identifier.citationPetryshyn O. O. Local self-government in Ukraine: legal, socio-political wartime challenges and prospects of postwar recovery / O. O. Petryshyn // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. / Нац. акад. прав. наук України, НДІ держав. буд-ва та місцевого самоврядування . - Харків : Право, 2022. - Вип. 43. - С. 118-140. DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe article aims to analyze the current mode of existence and functioning of local self‑government in Ukraine. The review of the significant achievements of the latter’s reforms, introduced in 2014, outlines the modifications to which its system has been subjected since the introduction of martial law. Several amending draft laws designed to optimize the performance of local self‑government bodies and officials (in terms of decision‑making in crisis conditions, interaction with military administrations, and creation of essential facilities for internally displaced persons) are assessed. The problem points of the recovery of critical and housing infrastructure of the affected regions are identified. Particular attention is paid to socio‑political issues of current and prospective representation in local self‑government in the occupied and stronghold territories. Summarizing conclusions are drawn on the necessity of timely direction of the academic discussion and preparation of the scientific foundation for its further implementation through legislative and implementation activities.en
dc.subjectlocal self‑government in Ukraineen
dc.subjectmartial lawen
dc.subjectinternal displacementen
dc.subjectpost‑war recoveryen
dc.subjectlocal representationen
dc.subjectмісцеве самоврядуванняuk_UA
dc.subjectвоєнний станuk_UA
dc.subjectвнутрішнє переміщенняuk_UA
dc.titleLocal self-government in Ukraine: legal, socio-political wartime challenges and prospects of postwar recoveryen
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри права Європейського Союзу

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