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Title: Проблемы правовой защиты наркозависимых лиц, которые получают заместительную терапию: опыт Луганского региона в сравнительном аспекте
Other Titles: The problems of legal protection of drug addicts, who receive substitution maintenance therapy: Ukrainian experience
Authors: Овчаренко, Е.Н.
Овчаренко, Н.А.
Шекера, О.Г.
Keywords: наркозалежні особи
правовий захист
замісна підтримувальна терапія
соціальна реабілітація наркологічних хворих
legal protection of drug addicts
social rehabilition and improvement of the quality of life of drug addicts
substitution maintenance therapy
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: НЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Овчаренко Е. Н. Проблемы правовой защиты наркозависимых лиц, которые получают заместительную терапию: опыт Луганского региона в сравнительном аспекте / Е. Н. Овчаренко, Н. А. Овчаренко, О. Г. Шекера // Психиатрия, психотерапия и клиническая психология. - 2019. - Т. 10, № 2. - С. 319-332.
Abstract: In the article, there are analyzed legal aspects of organization of substitution maintenance therapy in medical institutions of Ukraine, taking into account universally recognized world standards. Experience of implementation of the program of substitution maintenance therapy in Lugansk region demonstrated visible positive results in treatment of injecting drug users and identified the key problematic issues. The main challenges include the following: lack of access to legal protection for drug addicts, imperfection of current legislation, problems in the relationships with social surrounding (relatives, state institutions). It was proved that the integrated approach to solving problems of patients, who receive substitution maintenance therapy, which combines medical, social and legal components, should be universally introduced. There were formulated the proposals aimed to amend the relevant legislation, regulating organization of specialized medical and legal assistance to drug addicts
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри адвокатури

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