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Title: Building on polish experience of local self-government development in Ukraine as a form of cooperation between countries
Authors: Chyrkin, A.
Keywords: decentralization reform
local self-government
administrative-territorial organization
реформа децентралізації
місцеве самоврядування
адміністративно-територіальний устрій
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Baltija Publishing
Citation: Chyrkin A. Building on polish experience of local self-government development in Ukraine as a form of cooperation between countries / Anton Chyrkin, Alina Murtishcheva // The fоrmation and peculiarities of the implementation of the European Union’s Eastern policy: Scientific monograph. - Riga, Latvia : Baltija Publishing, 2022. - P. 290-301.
Abstract: The article considers some aspects of the Polish experience of reforming local self-government and administrative-territorial organization. The historical reasons for the development of the institute of local self-government in Poland are analyzed, its legal basis, the competence of local self-government bodies is characterized, in particular, the main powers of the commune council and county council are determined. The peculiarities of the administrative-territorial structure of Poland in the aspect of the possibility of borrowing experience of territorial transformations are determined.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри державного будівництва

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