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dc.contributor.authorShevchuk, V.M.-
dc.identifier.citationShevchuk V. M. Scientific prerequisites for the formation of criminalistic innovation and some prospective directions of its development / V. M. Shevchuk // Experimental and Theoretical Research in Modern Science : sci. coll. «InterConf», (35) : with the proceedings of the 1 st intern. sci. and practical conf. (16–18 nov., 2020). – Kishinev, Moldova, 2020. – № 2. – P. 305–316.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe problems of scientific preconditions for the formation of criminalistic innovation as a separate criminalistic theory are studied. The methodological bases of development and formation of criminalistic innovation as a new direction in criminalistics, its functions, tasks and prospects of introduction of its provisions in law enforcement are defined and covered. The most promising areas of research in criminalistic innovation are researched and considered. It is noted that the study of criminalistic innovation on the basis of general theoretical approaches that provide an explanation and justification of such fundamental principles of any particular scientific theory as its genesis, essence, fact, hypothesis and theoretical construction deserve attention. New scientific approaches to the solution of researched debatable questions of this concept are substantiated.ru_RU
dc.subjectcriminalistic innovationru_RU
dc.subjectinnovations in criminalisticsru_RU
dc.subjecttasks and functions of criminalistic innovationru_RU
dc.subjectcriminalistic innovationsru_RU
dc.titleScientific prerequisites for the formation of criminalistic innovation and some prospective directions of its developmentru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові статті кафедри криміналістики

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