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dc.contributor.authorShevchuk, Viktor-
dc.identifier.citationShevchuk V. Problems of criminalistic support of the practice of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine / V. Shevchuk // ΛΌГOΣ. Vol. 4. Do desenvolvimento mundial como resultado de real-izações em ciência e investigação científica : com materiais da conferência científico-prática internacional, 9 de outubro de 2020. – Lisboa, Portugal, 2020. – P. 14–19. -DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/09.10.2020.v4.03.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe current tasks of criminalistics in the light of the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the domestic legislation of Ukraine in today's realities, current problems of criminalistic support of this body to investigate and prosecute war crimes and international crimes, identify and outline promising areas of research. It is noted that today the tendency of strengthening the practical orientation of criminalistic developments, innovative products, their pragmatic orientation to solve important practical problems of criminalistic support of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine acquires special significance. It is substantiated that future research envisages taking into account in criminalistics three areas of such activities – technical-criminalistical, tactical-criminalistical and methodological-criminalistical in relation to the investigation of international and war crimes. Perspective directions of criminalistical researches in this sphere of knowledge are considered.ru_RU
dc.subjectcriminalistic support of the practiceru_RU
dc.subjectInternational Criminal Court in Ukraineru_RU
dc.subjectкриміналістична практикаru_RU
dc.subjectМіжнародний кримінальний судru_RU
dc.titleProblems of criminalistic support of the practice of the International Criminal Court in Ukraineru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові статті кафедри криміналістики

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