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Title: Constituent power: the theory and practice of its implementation in Ukraine
Authors: Berchenko, H.
Fedchyshyn, S.
Keywords: конституционная власть
народный суверенитет
конституционный контроль
конституційна влада
народний суверенітет
конституційний контроль
constitutional authority
popular sovereignty
constitutional review
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Berchenko H. Constituent power: the theory and practice of its implementation in Ukraine / H. Berchenko, S. Fedchyshyn // Russian law journal. – 2018. – Vol. 6, is. 4. – P. 37–61.
Abstract: The article researches the phenomenon of constituent power as a theoretical concept and the practice of its implementation in Ukraine. Constituent power is associated with the process of adopting a constitution and making amendments to it. A distinction is made between primary and institutional constituent powers. The constituent nature of the Constitution of Ukraine in the interpretation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is analyzed. The reasons why the Law “On an All-Ukrainian Referendum” was held invalid with regard to the constituent power of the people is considered. There is an inconsistency in the primary and institutional constituent powers’ interpretation of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine. The constitutional reform of 2004, the interference with this reform by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in 2010 and its return by the parliament in 2014 are examined from the standpoint of the constituent power concept. It is concluded that a new constitutional reform, which would provide a clean slate, could be an acceptable solution in Ukraine. In the future, the text of the reformed Constitution should provide for clear mechanisms for amending the Constitution of Ukraine and the adoption of a new Constitution, which would necessarily include procedures for popular legitimacy.
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