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dc.contributor.authorГерасіна, Л.М.-
dc.identifier.citationГерасіна Л. М. Проблема вибору ефективної «моделі» демократії в державницьких практиках сучасної України / Л. М. Герасіна // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія. – Харків, 2015. – № 4. – С. 94–
dc.descriptionThe article is devoted the to theoretical-practical analysis of the most meaningful «models» and conceptions of democracy, necessary for political modernization of Ukraine. Because in difficult after-revolutionary, soldiery terms there was a necessity of deep selection of maintenance and overvalue of trajectory of democratic development sew on countries, which can be it is most effectively realized in a state creative process. Democracy is a form of rule, offenses of life, purpose or ideal, political philosophy. It guarantees the representative office of interests of different task forces at acceptance of political decisions of, which promotes legitimity of power and dirigibility of the political system on the whole. It topically a necessity deeper to revise conceptual principles of «models» of democracy of transitional period, specify them practical potential for introduction in state practices of modern Ukraine. Most universal, to our opinion, there is interpretation of democracy in a political-legal aspect, as set procedure of public relations of, which determines the relations of the state, power and citizen, him legal position in society; to the order, to based on the certain system of values and dominating humanism world view. Democratic procedures are instrumental in moving of the most capable and energetic people toward power, promoting quality of political elite and his competitiveness. Wants stable development or evolutional breach, it must Ukraine strategically combine as most of public pictures of democratic aims and prospects. Modern science and state practices of the world countries knows different politicallegal «models» democracies maintenance of which is based on certain theoretical concep tions: identical, representative, elite, liberal, social «models» of democracy. Sure progressive is a «model» of liberal democracy, where a democratic line-up is considered the attribute of the civilized society. The form of European democracy is given appears attractive enough for Ukraine, in fact in its basis lie are guarantees and defence of rights and individual freedoms, legal state, functional distributing of branches and levels of state power, ideological and political pluralism, autonomy of civil society from state interference, freedom of enterprise, inviolability of peculiar, limitation of domination of majority above a minority and others. No less important value in Ukraine, which constitutionally fastened a course on the democratic legal state socially oriented,, the «model» of social democracy, which proclaims priority of man as a main value of society and state acquires, foresees not only political equality of rights of citizens but also determines them the source of power, provides socially legal equality as guarantee of the use of rights for personality and to the sphere of policy, economy, spirituality. In the conditions of European political pluralism, due to social democracy a powerful middle class, which controls power, shuts out it superconcentration and surplus social stratification, was formed. The processes of democratization purchased character of appropriate tendency in maintenance of political life of Ukraine, but these changes allowed for 25 years to form only «hybrid» democratic mode. In addition, their flowing objectively is a problem and crisis, has character of socially lacking amenities, and until now poorly guided from the side of state structures. At included in the new phase of democratization important tasks appeared before a country: to develop the human factor of democratic transformations and democratic traditions; more co-ordinated to carry out economic and political-legal reformation of country; overcoming a corruption, to modernize and «to renew», system of state administration from a center to the regions; to stimulate the institutes of market and peculiar, power of middle class; to weaken the sharpness of opposing of elites and other political forces for power; instrumental in control of society above power, to democratic practices of structures of civil society; and others like that. In science under «democratic modernization» of political reality understand the different phenomena – from introduction of front-rank technological innovations to passing of country to the modern state, which foresees borrowing or creation of base institutes on a western standard. Appears us, that the democratic European choice of modern Ukraine, must be based on combination of liberal and social «models» of democracy, taking into account a presence and action of internal political, economic, social, cultural and foreignpolicy factors. Therefore, the progressive European «model» of socially-liberal democracy can be realized in Ukraine exceptionally by balanced and harmonization of development of objective and subjective factors of democratization of
dc.description.abstractСтаттю присвячено теоретико-праксеологічному аналізу найбільш значущих «моделей» і концептів демократії, необхідних для політичної модернізації України. Адже у надскладних пост-революційних, воєнних умовах виникла потреба ґрунтовного відбору змісту і переоцінки траєкторії демократичного розвитку, яка може бути найефективніше реалізована у державотворчому процесі нашої країни.ru
dc.description.abstractСтатья посвящена теоретико-праксеологическому анализу наиболее значимых «моделей» и концептов демократии, необходимых для политической модернизации Украины. Ибо в сверхсложных пост-революционных, военных условиях возникла необходимость глубокого отбора содержания и переоценки траектории демократического развития нашей страны, которое может быть наиболее эффективно реализовано в государственно созидательном процессе.-
dc.subjectсоціальна «моделі» демократіїru
dc.subjectдемократичні принципиru
dc.subjectполітичний плюралізмru
dc.subjectправова соціальна державаru
dc.subjectсоциальная «модели» демократииru
dc.subjectдемократические принципыru
dc.subjectполитический плюрализмru
dc.subjectправовое социальное государствоru
dc.subjectrepresentative eliteru
dc.subjectsocial «models» of democracyru
dc.subjectdemocratic principlesru
dc.subjectpolitical pluralismru
dc.subjectlegal social stateru
dc.titleПроблема вибору ефективної «моделі» демократії в державницьких практиках сучасної Україниru
dc.title.alternativeПроблема выбора эффективной «модели» демократии в государственных практиках современной Украиныru
dc.title.alternativeProblem of choice of effective «model» of democracy in state practices of modern Ukraineru
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри соціології та політології

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