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dc.contributor.authorГетьман, А.П.-
dc.contributor.authorЗуєв, В.А.-
dc.identifier.citationГетьман А. П. Проблемы самоидентичности и эволюции природоресурсных отношений в системе эколого-правового механизма / А. П. Гетьман, В. А. Зуєв // Управление устойчивым развитием в условиях переходной экономики : моногр. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Днепропетровск : Коттсбус : НГУ-БТУ, 2016. – Гл. 7. – С. 98–109.en
dc.descriptionThe purpose. The research of the features of formation of environmental legislation in Ukraine, prospects of development of the law of used natural resources in the national law science. It studied the problems of formation of resource law and its place in the system of environmental relationships, structural and system connections. Methodology. It is used the general scientific methods of knowledge (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special ones (comparative legal, structural and functional, formal and dogmatic) methods which was used for the research of the development of environmental and economic legislation in the area of used natural resources in close connection with the social and economic processes taking place in society. Using these methods contributed to the formulation of a legally sound conclusions and objectivity of the process of scientific knowledge. Findings. The development and dynamics of the environmental, natural resources legislation is largely driven by global and European processes and requires timely and adequate response to contemporary challenges. One of these problems is the development of traditional branches of law and directions research that, in turn, raises the question of substantive content, structural and systemic links of these areas of law. Any delay in the establishment of the theoretical and methodological and scientific and legal framework for new legal phenomena in the framework of ecological and legal science creates the preconditions for the expansion of research not only to them but also in relation to the already well-established system of law and the dividing them into branches of law. A promising seems the further transformation of natural resource rights in the resource, whose task will be to not only relations concerning those or other natural objects, but also the products of their use, and natural phenomena, the establishment of resource-saving requirements, the introduction of specific indicators of resource costs and the like. Such a situation we are seeing now in soil legislation, which regulates the use of man-made mineral deposits, which, in fact, lost the status of a natural object, but are important for their conservation. A similar situation arises in the field of waste management, which are increasingly seen it as a potential source of resources and nature conservation. Conclusions and Recommendations. One of the ways to integrate and harmonize the natural resource component within the environmental law is to change its focus from solely having binding traditional natural objects in favour of a more progressive and promising theory of the resource or the ecological and resource rights that can harmoniously incorporate both traditional (established), and innovative approaches to the maintenance of ecological and legal relations, their expansion and difftision within a single methodological approach and legal doctrine, which is the fundamental goal of ecological and legal science, defined as the environment, the use of environmental resources and ecological security of humanity.en
dc.description.abstractВ главе исследуется эволюция природоресурсных отношений, определяется их самостоятельность и системные связи, а также их место в эколого-правовом механизме. Охарактеризованы направления и проблемы, связанные с идентификацией природоресурсного права, проанализированы современные тенденции научной экспансии и регрессного восприятия эколого-правовых отношений в пределах традиционных отраслей права и дана оценка их содержательного наполнения и структурно-системных связей. Сформулированы предложения по формированию ресурсного (экологоресурсного) права в рамках общей системы экологического права.en
dc.subjectэкологическое правоen
dc.subjectприродоресурсное правоen
dc.subjectприродные ресурсыen
dc.subjectэкологические ресурсыen
dc.subjectэколого-правовой механизмen
dc.subjectenvironmental lawen
dc.subjectnatural-resource lawen
dc.subjectnatural resourcesen
dc.subjectenvironmental resourcesen
dc.subjectecological and legal scienceen
dc.titleПроблемы самоидентичности и эволюции природоресурсных отношений в системе эколого-правового механизмаen
dc.title.alternativeProblems of identity and evolution of natural resource relations in the environmental legal mechanismen
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:Монографії кафедри екологічного права

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