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Showing results 21 to 40 of 19356 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Adaptation of Ukrainian legislation on drug trafficking control to the European Union legislation (separate aspects)Shevchuk, Oleksandr; Protsiuk, Igor; Mokhonchuk, Sergii; Papusha, Igor
2020Addressing the issue of corporate raiding in UkraineDerevyanko, Bogdan V.; Pashkov, Vitaliy M.; Turkot, Olha A.; Zahrisheva, Nadiia V.; Bisiuk, Olena S.
2016Administrative – Territorial Reform in Ukraine: Implementation Challenges and Control Mechanism ImprovementShapoval, R.V.; Vits’ko, E.V.; Demenko, O.I.; Solntseva, K.V.
2015Advantages of distance foreign language programs in vocational training of students majoring in lawРоманюк, С.М.
2016Advantages of using interactive smart boards in a high school classroomRomantsova, Y.V.
2017Advertising of medical devices: foreign experience and Ukrainian practicePashkov, Vitalii; Harkusha, Andrii; Bytiak, Oleksii
2015Advocacy as a Human Rights Institute in the Mechanism of Legal ProceedingsVilchyk, Tetiana B.
2016Agrarian Receipts Circulation in Ukraine: Current Issues of Legal FrameworkUrkevych, V.Yu.
2020Alcoholism as a professional disease of the representatives of justiceKhotynska-Nor, Oksana Z.; Moskvych, Lidiya М.
2020Algorithm of correction of competitive programs of qualified main class contact style athletes in acrobatic rock and rollLutsenko, Larysa; Lutsenko, Yuliya
2024Algorithmization of Intellectual Data Analysis for Measuring the Country’s Innovation PotentialPeredrii, O.; Vnukova, N.; Davydenko, D.; Pyvovarov, V.; Hlibko, S.; Opeshko, N.
2019Analysis and optimization of the reactive power compensation modes in a power supply systemYagup, V.; Yagup, K.; Kovalova, Yu.; Kharchenko, V.; Besarab, T.; Krasnov, O.; Domanskii, I.; Domanskii, V.; Kostin, H.; AbuGoukh, H.G.
2014Analysis of legal approaches to hostile corporate takeover in the European Union with an emphasis on GermanyAnakina, T.; Honcharenko, D.
2019Analysis of new methodology of developing professional foreign language course programs for bachelors of international law and international relationsRomaniuk, S.M.; Shchokina, T.M.
2018Analysis of the main provisions of the law of Ukraine "on public-private partnership" in the context of reformation the economyZadychaylo, D.D.; Teremetskyi, V.I.; Karmaza, O.O.; Telestakova, A.A.
2024Analysis of the Methodology for Acquiring Leadership Qualities by Future Military Legal SpecialistsMorohovskyi, M.L.; Ivashchenko, S.M.; Ponomarenko, P.M.
2016Androgyny: the way to overcome gender asymmetryPavlishcheva, Ya.O.
2018Anti-corruption policy in a socio-cultural space: indicators and actual strategiesMamychev, A.Y.; Mordovtseva, M.V.; Anisimov, G.M.; Benedyk, V.I.; Saveliev, U.M.
2019Anticorruption compliance: International experience in legal regulation and innovation for UkraineLutsenko, Оlena
2013Application of case-study technique in ESP teachingKadaner, O.