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Showing results 1 to 20 of 48  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Basic principles of financial markets regulation and legal aspects of the legislative requirementsShovkoplias, A.N.; Shvydka, T.I.; Yazlyuk, B.; Guley, A.; Brukhanskyi, R.
2019Climate Protection Laws: European Reality and Ukrainian ProspectsGetman, A.P.; Getman, Y.A.; Lozo, V.I.
2018Constituent power: the theory and practice of its implementation in UkraineBerchenko, H.; Fedchyshyn, S.
2017Development of Human Resources of Agro-Industrial ComplexNedelkin, Alexey A.; Novikov, Sergey V.; Titov, Valery A.; Sannikov, Dmytro V.; Mikhailova, Anna V.; Popova, Lyudmila N.
2021ECtHR Decisions That Influenced the Criminal Procedure of UkraineKaplina, Oksana; Tumanyants, Anush
2017European experience of regulation distance selling of medicines for UkrainePashkov, Vitalii; Hrekov, Yevhen; Hrekova, Maryna
2023Europeanisation and Its Impact on Candidate Countries for EU Membership: A View from UkraineLomaka, V.; Yakoviyk, I.; Bilousov, Y.
2014The implementation of Strasbourg’s judgments in UkraineChubenko, A.
2018Informality and Ukrainian higher educational institutions: Happy together?Polese, Abel; Stepurko, Tetiana; Oksamitina, Svitlana; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Levenets, Olena
2019Legal issues of development of organic farming in UkraineFedchyshyn, Dmytro; Ignatenko, Iryna; Bondar, Oleksandr
2015Legal principles of modern agrarian reform in Ukraine and the role of the farmer in its carrying outStativka, A.
2017Problems of Land Legislation of Ukraine and European Union IntegrationSannikov, Dmytro V.
2014The scrap metal industry: economic law aspectShymko, A.
2014Some aspects of the historical experience of local self-government in UkraineOmarova, A.A.
2014Some problems of regulation of flora using in UkraineBloshenko, E.E.
2014The system of constitutional guarantees of constitutional order of UkraineRenov, I.
2014The tax on childlessness in Ukraine: prospects for implementationVasilyeva, M.
2008Ukraine: The quest for democratization between Europe and RussiaСердюк, О.В.
2022Акти договірного права між Україною і Європейським Союзом як нормативна основа інноваційних перетворень національної правової системиПередерій, О.С.
2016Акценти реалізації іншомовної освіти у Великій Британії і в УкраїніКузнецова, О.Ю.