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Title: Mental states of military personnel during the preparation and conduct of hostilities
Authors: Ignatieva, A.I.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: НЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Ignatieva A. I. Mental states of military personnel during the preparation and conduct of hostilities / A. I. Ignatieva // Актуальні аспекти психологічного забезпечення професійної діяльності сил безпеки та оборони України : матеріали VІІІ всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 30 листоп. 2022 р.). – Харків, 2022. – С. 246–247.
Abstract: The mental state of a military serviceman is a set of signs of his mental activity that characterize the state of an individual at a certain moment. Mental states of a military serviceman include manifestations of feelings (mood, affect, euphoria, anxiety, frustration, etc.), attention (concentration, inattention, absent-mindedness), will (determination, confusion, composure, emergency decision-making in combat conditions, etc.), thinking ( doubts, confidence), imagination (delusions, dreams), etc. In any mental state of the unit commander, three general dimensions can be distinguished: motivational-motivational (determining), emotional-evaluative and activation-energetic. The mental states of the personnel of the unit (group) are characterized by certain features that are not characteristic at all or are characteristic to a lesser extent of individual states: mass appearance; pronounced social character; "contagion" (ability to spread quickly); ―group effect" (increasing the strength and significance of personnel status); informativeness; tendency to anchor etc. Mental states of a military serviceman are characterized by integrity, mobility and relative stability, relationship with mental processes and personality properties, individual originality and typicality, diversity and polarity
Appears in Collections:Тези, доповіді Військово-юридичного інституту

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