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Назва: | Громадянсько-політична компетентність особистості як чинник розвитку правового суспільства в Україні |
Автори: | Калиновський, Ю.Ю. |
Ключові слова: | громадянсько-політична компетентність особистості суспільна активність особистості правове суспільство правові цінності моральні цінності гражданско-политическая компетентность личности общественная активность личности правовое общество правовые ценности моральные ценности civil and political competence of the individual social activity of the individual legal community legal values moral values |
Дата публікації: | 2014 |
Бібліографічний опис: | Калиновський Ю. Ю. Громадянсько-політична компетентність особистості як чинник розвитку правового суспільства в Україні / Ю. Ю. Калиновський // Сучасне суспільство: політичні науки, соціологічні науки, культурологічні науки : зб. наук. пр. / Харків. нац. пед. ун-т ім. Г. С. Сковороди. – Харків, 2014. – Вип. 1. – С. 50−61. |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | Проаналізовано сутнісні характеристики громадянсько-політичної компетентності особистості. Визначено вплив громадянсько-політичної компетентності особистості на розвиток правового суспільства в Україні. Стверджується, що громадянсько-політична компетентність особистості є підґрунтям її суспільної активності, яка повинна базуватися на моральних та правових цінностях. Проанализированы сущностные характеристики гражданско-политической компетентности личности. Определено влияние гражданско-политической компетентности личности на развитие правового общества в Украине. Утверждается, что гражданско-политическая компетентность личности является основой ее общественной активности, которая должна базироваться на моральных и правовых ценностях. |
Опис: | Analyzed the essential characteristics of civil and political competence of the individual. Indicated that the phenomenon of civic and political competence is impossible without a developed sense of justice and legal culture of the individual, which in turn are essential factors of being the legal community. Establishment of civil and political competence of the individual as a factor in the existence of rule of law directly related to general cultural competence of the individual, his ideas about politics, morality, law, appropriate behavior and social activities. Defined influence of civil and political competence of the individual to the development of rule of law in Ukraine: socially active citizen must not only understand their role in society, aware of their own and the public interest, but also to be able to defend them without breaking the rules of morality and law. Values as a part of moral consciousness provide the thrust behavior of individuals, socially meaningful choice their goals, values, ways of regulating behavior, its shape and style. As the driving motives, value orientations make it possible to determine in the light of subjective perception of identity and the most characteristic features of the modern era, to know and understand how man has the moral ability to meet the needs of society, as it is creatively active or passive and indifferent. It is alleged that the basis of formation and development of civil and political competence of the individual to be moral education. Character education at the stage of moral consciousness and moral emotions has the ability to be implement in full it is in the moral behavior of the individual, transforming the latest in diagnostic phenomenon on the general situation of moral human culture and society. Each action, each complex forms of behavior, any activity-activity exercised by man, is a manifestation of moral consciousness and moral feelings of the individual, as well as an indication of its moral culture and effectiveness of the system of moral education, which is dominant in a given society or group. Moral behavior is also a regulator and trade environment of self-identification and self-identity, because it objectified internal spiritual and volitional human desire for self-realization in the socio-cultural and civilizational space of human development. Individual behavior and its moral self is inseparable, interrelated and interdependent phenomena of human consciousness, mental, social and role-sphere. It is emphasized that important in the formation of civic and political competence of the individual, as the basis of the existence of rule of law becomes not only moral, but also legal education at all stages of socialization. Thus, a crucial role in legal education in universities personality plays a teacher who is a carrier and promoter of certain values. The teacher must be a model of precision and strict observance of the Law and duties. Provide law activity can work only person who is familiar with the basic provisions of legal science knows methods of teaching legal knowledge, providing students of legal consciousness, develop skills lawful behavior. Skills and habits comply with laws and morals - a natural result of a conscious attitude to their obligations to comply with legal and other social norms, which is a sign of civic and political competence. As a result, stated that the development of civil and political competence and personality formation rule of law in Ukraine are interdependent phenomena, which determined the general democratic progress of our country's progress in establishing the rule of law. Civic competence of the individual is a prerequisite for social progress, the dynamic development of all sectors of national society. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12206 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | Наукові статті кафедри філософії |
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