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dc.contributor.authorМищенко, В.Я.-
dc.identifier.citationМищенко В. Я. Legal and institutional frameworks for terminology activities in Ukraine / В. Я. Мищенко // Cutting-edge science – 2015». Philological sciences : materials of the XI Intern. scientific and practical conf. (april 30 - may 7, 2015). – Sheffield, 2015. – Vol. 18. – С. 47–51.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article describes the main centers authorized by the government to carry out terminology activities in Ukraine. The most significant achievements are pointed out. Among them are the development of a theory of the computer lexicographical systems (L-systems) and creation of a series of such systems fundamental for the Ukrainian lexicography concerning their status, functionalities and exhaustiveness of the language material.uk_UA
dc.subjectterminology workuk_UA
dc.subjectharmonization of termsuk_UA
dc.subjectcomputer lexicographical systemsuk_UA
dc.titleLegal and institutional frameworks for terminology activities in Ukraineuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри іноземних мов № 2

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