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Title: | Окремі питання прав та обов'язків сторін договору позички |
Other Titles: | Отдельные вопросы прав и обязанностей сторон договора ссуды Separate issues of rights and obligations of loan agreement parties |
Authors: | Ночовкіна, Олена Валентинівна |
Keywords: | позичка позичкодавець позичкоотримувач користувач безоплатність ссуда ссудодатель ссудополучатель пользователь безвозмездность loan loaner borrower user gratuitousness |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Publisher: | Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого |
Citation: | Ночовкіна О. В. Окремі питання прав та обов'язків сторін договору позички / О. В. Ночовкіна // Проблеми законності : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2015. – Вип. 129. – С. 139-147. |
Abstract: | Аналізуються права та обов’язки сторін договору позички. Розглядаються особливості повноважень позичкодавця та користувача з урахуванням безоплатності відносин між ними. Обґрунтовується необхідність внесення змін до цивільно-правових норм, які регулюють зобов’язання сторін із страхування предмета позички та проведення заходів щодо відновлення речі. Анализируются права и обязанности сторон договора ссуды. Рассматриваются особенности полномочий ссудодателя и пользователя с учетом безвозмездности отношений между ними. Обосновывается необходимость внесения изменений в гражданско-правовые нормы, регулирующие обязательства сторон по страхованию и восстановлению предмета ссуды. |
Description: | Problem setting. The content of any civil law agreement created by the terms and conditions determined by the parties and agreed between them, as well as the terms that are mandatory according to the regulations of the civil law. Qualifying the agreement from the legal view, the content of the agreement is always characterized as the summary of mutual rights and obligations of counterparties. That is why the problem of correlation of mutual rights and obligations between parties of civil relations interested and still excites scientists’ great interest. Recent research and publications analysis. Such civil law scientists as M.I. Bragynskiy, S.V. Zankovskaya, O.S. Ioffe, S.N. Landkof, D.I. Meyer, G.N. Polyanskaya, V. A. Ryasencev, G.F. Shershenevych studied the balance of rights and duties of parties in the gratuitous use of property agreement (loan agreements). Issues of loan agreement legal regulation are studied by such modern scientist as N.M. Boiko, V.О. Goncharenko, N.A. Dyachkova, E.M. Klyueva, V.M. Kossak, O.M. Solovyov. Paper objective. To analyze the scope and content of rights and duties of loaner and borrower; to disclose any peculiar features of powers of loan agreement parties tacking in account gratuitous nature of such relations; to substantiate the necessity to introduce any amendments to legislation in relation to rights and duties of the studied agreement parties. Paper main body. Peculiarities of rights and duties of loan agreement parties mainly connected to gratuitous nature of such relations. The scope and content of rights and duties of the counterparts according to the agreement depends upon its legal structure (real or consensus). At characterization of the loan agreement parties’ duties we should address as to the regulations of Chapter 60 of Ukrainian Civil Law and to the regulations governing hire (rent) relations. The Clauses of Chapter 58 of Ukrainian Civil Law shall be applied only if the opposite not determined by Chapter “Loan” and does not contradict gratuitous nature of loan relations. The main responsibility of the loaner according to the agreement is the transfer of piece of property to a user for gratuitous usage. At real transaction the loaner performs this function at the moment of agreement conclusion. At consensus model of transaction the duty of the loaner to transfer piece of property arise first of all. Conclusions. In order to improve legal regulation of certain duties of loan agreement parties we should: 1) in legal regulations to determine such terms as “ordinary costs”, “capital repairs” and “minor repairs”; 2) we should clearly indicate which regulations of Clause 58 “Hire(rent)” can be applied to govern the loan agreement. Such improvement will allow to eliminate any disputes at allocation of rights and duties of the parties during insurance of loaned property, at repair of property and reimbursement of repair expenses. |
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Appears in Collections: | Наукові статті кафедри цивільного права № 1 |
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