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dc.contributor.authorБитяк, О.Ю.-
dc.identifier.citationБитяк О. Ю. Правове регулювання суспільних відносин, пов'язаних із використанням мережі Інтернет / О. Ю. Битяк // Проблеми законності : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2015. – Вип. 129. – С.
dc.descriptionProblem setting. Using Internet technologies is essential to the functioning of public institutions and the economy, public policy in conditions of world globalization. Continues to be problematic issue of protecting the rights and interests of individuals and businesses in the Internet. The issue of legal regulation of social relations associated with the use interenet technology is also controversial in terms of academics conceptually – appropriate or not regulation of such relationship, what is the relationship that their essence and that their contents. Recent research and publications analysis. Known for lawyers is to look at the relationship as a product of interaction between people and all kinds and forms relationships arising and function in society is public, aimed at meeting the needs and interests of individuals or their associations. However, the relationship between certain subjects arise and only in such circumstances may use legal mechanisms for the settlement of constitutional, civil, administrative, economic, legal and other relations. In all cases of this relationship is at least two parties, the two entities for the right (law) does not matter in which organizational and legal state, they are relative to each other. It is important that they enter into relationships with each other, and these relations can settle right. Participants Internet relationship certainly serve certain organizations and individuals, but they are not identified as personalities. Each participant may make Internet network any information, preferably only that it did not cause harm to others. Unfortunately this is not always the case. On the Internet you can find data relating to individuals, the way is not always true, but set them Distributor virtually impossible. In the Internet greatly increased the number of entities that use of the Internet in various fields - social, economic, political, cultural, religious, gender, etc. In this regard, we can conclude – a popular use of the Internet, the constant increase in the number of entities using the Internet there is a need to protect the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, the State (s) of society, to prevent dissemination of false, immoral, criminal information. That is why the support of the Internet network of legal means, that Internet regulation relations. Paper main body. The legal regulation of social relations connected to the Internet is complicated by several factors: a growing number of users; increasing number of spheres of human activity, which finds place using Internet technologies. Under increasing amount of information, the speed of its use in the implementation of people and groups from the creation, transmission, storage, use the destruction of information. Conclusions. Among the principles of activity in the telecommunications sector include: consumer access to publicly available telecommunications services they need to meet their own needs, participation in political, economic and social life; interaction and interconnectedness telecommunications networks for communication between users at all levels; sustainability management of telecommunications networks and these networks based on their technological features based on uniform standards, rules and regulations; State support for development of domestic production of telecommunication equipment; the introduction of world achievements in telecommunications; attraction and use of domestic and foreign material and financial resources, technology, managerial
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуті питання щодо правового регулювання суспільних відносин, які виникають, розвиваються та припиняються у зв’язку із застосуванням послуг мережі Інтернет. Проаналізовано положення Закону України «Про телекомунікації».uk
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассмотрены вопросы правового регулирования общественных отношений, которые возникают, развиваются и прекращаются в связи с применением услуг сети Интернет. Проанализированы положения Закона Украины «О телекоммуникациях».-
dc.subjectсуспільні відносиниuk
dc.subjectінформаційна інфраструктураuk
dc.subjectобщественные отношенияuk
dc.subjectинформационная инфраструктураuk
dc.subjectInternet technologiesuk
dc.subjectpublic relationsuk
dc.subjectinformation infrastructureuk
dc.titleПравове регулювання суспільних відносин, пов'язаних із використанням мережі Інтернетuk
dc.title.alternativeПравовое регулирование общественных отношений, связанных с использованием сети Интернетuk
dc.title.alternativeLegal regulation of public relations related to the use of the Internetuk
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри господарського права

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