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dc.contributor.authorБогачова, Л.Л.-
dc.identifier.citationБогачова Л. Л. Принципи європейського і національного права (порівняльно-правовий аналіз критеріїв класифікації) / Л. Л. Богачова // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2013. – Вип. 26. – С. 47–60.en_US
dc.descriptionThe article discusses various approaches to building a system of principles of European and national law. Criteria for classification principles of law differ significantly in international (supranational) and national legal systems. The principles of EU law – it is the basic principles of the legal system to determine the content of law-making and law enforcement of the Union as a whole and its Member States. European Court of Justice under the general principles of EU law EU understands the unwritten law – namely, the general principles of international law and general legal principles shared by all Member States. In European legal doctrine mainly investigated classification criteria of general principles of law EU. Most of the principles of law divided by source of origin (general principles arising from the nature of Community law, and those that are common to the legal order of several Member States, fundamental human rights, the general principles of international law). In the works of Russian and Ukrainian lawyers principles of European rights are classified according to their scope for general and special. General principles of law is an achievement of modern European civilization, expressing the essence of European law and are reflected in the legislation of the European Union and the decisions of its courts. General principles on which the Union is founded, is the principle of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, the rule of law rank of general principles with the principle of proportionality, the principle of equality, the principle of legal certainty, procedural principles. Special principles of law emphasize the peculiarities of legal regulation in certain areas of public life and spread within certain industries and institutions of law. Special principles integrate heterogeneous in nature principles, in particular the principles of EU sectoral principles, principles of the economic system and economic policy EU institutional principles of EU law, the principles of legal status of the individual and others. In domestic law theory under general principles of law understand the requirements of social relations and their participants, expressing the essence of law and the resulting ideas of justice and freedom, and determine the overall direction of the most significant features of the legal system. It is generally accepted principles of right division for content on societal and specially – law, and in scope – for general, intersectoral, sectoral institutions and principles of law. The general principles of law proposed classification principles of legal certainty, proportionality, fairness and reasonableness. Constitutional Court of Ukraine elaborated system of constitutional principles, which include: 1) the principles declared universal values; 2) the principles declared the construction of the government; 3) the principles that characterize the legal system; 4) principles, which provides the legal framework for the implementation of fundamental social rights; 5) principles that provide activities justice system. The principles underlying the law, both national and supranational law, determine the content and direction of regulation, provide the necessary enforcement axiological measurement. Ukraine’s course towards European integration necessitates the introduction of general principles of European law into the legal system of Ukraine, development of coordinated approaches to their classification, and content filling in the application of legal practice.en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглядаються різні підходи до побудови системи принципів європейського і національного права, критично аналізуються найбільш поширені критерії їх класифікації, обґрунтовується необхідність застосування загальних принципів права ЄС у національному правопорядку України.en_US
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассматриваются различные подходы к построению системы принципов европейского и национального права, критически анализируются наиболее распространенные критерии их классификации, обосновывается необходимость применения принципов права ЕС в национальном правопорядке Украины.-
dc.subjectєвропейське правоen_US
dc.subjectнаціональне правоen_US
dc.subjectпринципи праваen_US
dc.subjectЄвропейський судen_US
dc.subjectевропейское правоen_US
dc.subjectнациональное правоen_US
dc.subjectпринципы праваen_US
dc.subjectЕвропейский судen_US
dc.subjectEuropean lawen_US
dc.subjectnational lawen_US
dc.subjectprinciples of lawen_US
dc.subjectEuropean Court of Justiceen_US
dc.titleПринципи європейського і національного права (порівняльно-правовий аналіз критеріїв класифікації)en_US
dc.title.alternativeПринципы европейского и национального права (сравнительно-правовой анализ критериев классификации)en_US
dc.title.alternativePrinciples of European and national law (comparative legal analysis of the classification criteria)en_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри теорії держави і права

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